I wouldn't of guessed

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After i had got caught trying to leave the haspital they finally released me and when they did malik drove me to his house but the ride with malik was queit and it wasn't a long ride either cause we just left the hospital and were already at his house and let me tell you it is beautiful his house had bricks everywhere and one word to describe it was gorgeous.

"Here we are" malik said as he pulled up in his drive way.

"It's gorgeous" i said as me and malik got out the car and when he unlocked his front door the inside of his house was huge. "Wow" was all i could say because it was just woah.

"You like it" malik said looking at me as i admired his house.

"Yeah. i. mean. Yeah" i said breathlessly while malik just laughed at me but of course all good things have to go to a end in this case it was malik asking me the same question he asked me at the hospital.

"So tell me why you still want to be with him" malik asked as he satdown on his couch.

"I'm with him because when I had problems with my parents he was always there and sometimes he will get rough but he will always get me out of the hard situations" i said remembering all the times darren was there for me and helped me out.

"But shana you said it yourself he gets rough with you and thats not helping its destroying you" malik said and i knew he was right.

"You just don't understand how bowed up i am with all these situations"

"I know what you mean" malik said and i just got confused.


"Your not the only one with problems i have mine too" he said looking down.

"Tell me about it"

"Ok my real dads in jail haven't seen him in years and people think they know me saying i went with all these girls when really i don't" malik told me and i can't believe how much I miss judged him when he really had promblems like normal people do.

"Have your dad wrote to you" i asked malik.

"Yeah he sends me letters like everyday saying how sorry he is for not being in my life"

"You should go see him"

"No I can't" malik said quickly.

"Why not"

"Its best not to ever see him again"

"You need to see him and catch up with him with things that are happening in your life" I told malik honestly and he just shook his head.

"Its not like were gonna have a real conversation i mean its gon a be weird and your saying it like were gonna sit down at a restaurant and reunite well were not!" Malik said raising his voice at me angrily.

"I'm sorry" i said trying to calm malik down.

"No your like the rest of the people you think im just a pretty boy who doesn't care about anything well your wrong i have straight A's and i still manage that even though my dads in jail and my moms broken about it." Malik said and i put my hands on his shoulders to calm him down but he shrugged them off.

"Im sorry i just wouldn't have guessed"

"Well yeah this is my life" malik said giving me a fake smile.

"Look im sorry for asking"

"No its just your the only person i opened up to" malik said which made me smile that he could trust me.

"Your the only one i opened up to too"

"What about darren and candice did you ever open up to them" malik asked and i shook my head yes.

"Darreb knows because hes heard what my parents say to me and hes the one to cause me pain and candice knows because ive been spending too many nights at her house" i said laughing and malik did too.

"You can crash here" malik suggested.


"Yeah my parents are gone meaning my mom"

"Good" is all i said because i have a plan for malik to help him with his dad.

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