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Recap: "I'm having fun until I i heard laughing and it sounded familiar so I turned around to see someone I never thought to see here but wasn't shocked to say it was the usual him darren kissing another girl after what happened

I couldn't move I was already on the floor from skating and I can't skate so if I try to get up then I'll just fall again so I just sat their looking at darren and that girl smiling and talking which reminded me of how me and darren was until things got crazy but i guess darren felt someone looking at him so he turned and spotted me and i wanred to skate away but I'm on the floor and can't skate so I just let him come up to me.

"Shana I'm actually not gonna say sorry because I just feel bad for you" darren said while looking at me with with so much pity and he's the cause of this.

"All those times you said you were sorry and you didn't mean it"? I asked him but I knew the answer I knew he didn't mean and yet every time he said it I believed him.

"No shana i meant it when I said sorry just not for hurting you"

"Wow" this was all I had to say because I can't believe he was doing this to me.

"Look all I want to say to you is I'm sorry for all those hard times you been through but---" he tried to explain but i cut him off.

"So this is where you've been all those Saturdays saying you were busy" this all makes sense how we never hang out on Saturdays and sometimes Sunday's.

"Yeah but I never wanted you to find out this way" darren said pointing to the girl he was just kissing and laughing with.

"How long"?

"What do you mean"?

"How long you knew her"?

"Since me and you 2 years"

"Omg i was in the fucking hospital darren and you still did this to me" i said just letting the tears fall down my eyes.

"That girl name is sanjai and were kinda serious" darren said and i knew she was just his next victim because we were serious I guess you never really know the guy you date well only if your dating darren.

"Oh" this was all I can say because I still can't believe a word he's saying.

"Come on lets go finish skating" that girl sanjai said to darren while kissing his cheek not even noticing I was their or even asking who I was or how I know darren.

I couldn't skate so i did the only logical thing I should have done before darren came up to me so I took off my skates, got off the floor and ran all the way ouside to maliks car sanjai probably thinks I'm crazy for running away but whatever she barely even knew I was their if only she knew he was a cheater and you wanna know something else I'm standing outside maliks but guess what I don't even have the keys he do so yup I'm stupid.
Maliks pov
Ok so shana wasn't back yet from skating off and I went looking for her saying to myself maybe she fell because if she did she wouldn't be able to get up but that idea went out the window when I saw that boy I think his name is darren something but he was talking to a girl and I remembered that boy is shanas boyf--wait ex boyfriend and i started to think what if shana saw them sk I went to look for her and she was nowhere I even asked this lady to look in the bathroom for shana and she wasn't there o I left and saw shana standi g by my car.
Shanas pov
I saw malik come out the building and thought finally until he came rushing over to me.

"What happened"? Malik asked and worried was noticed in his voice.

"Darren my now ex happened"


"You saw"? I asked malik and his face tells that he saw darren and that girl.

"Yeah sorry"

"Why do people say that"? I asked getting angry.

"Say what"? Malik asked confused.

"Say there sorry when they don't mean it"

"Look shana I'm not darren I am sorry for you and just for that I'm sorry because I should have never brought you here"

"Its ok its just he said that he wanted to work things out with me and he ruined things" i said trying not to cry but failed.

"You don't need guys like that because me I'll never do that to you ever"


"I malik williams promise to never hurt you ever" malik told me smiling and then we had finally left that place and for once i feel happy and its all because of malik williams.




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