His Angel - Sam x Gabriel

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A/N: So I have this posted separately on Wattpad but I want to keep all my Spn things together, so I'm reposting it here. This was my first ever fic and it just happened to also be smut *facepalms*.


"See ya, Sammy!" Dean cried as he pulled on the jacket slung over the back of the crappy motel chair. Sam appeared from the door to the bathroom

"Where are you going?"

"I got a date"

Sam raised his eyebrows to pull a signature bitch face

"That blonde chick from the diner?" Sam had totally forgotten Dean's 'date' with the hot waitress who'd served them earlier.

"Yup, don't bother wishing me luck, I think you're the one that needs that" Dean winked.

"Whatever, jerk" Sam flopped down onto the rusty bed to flick through the tv channels.

"Bitch" Came Dean's retort as he slammed the motel door behind himself.

Sam shut off the tv, and couldn't decide whether he should grab a book or call an angel. '/Wait, what? When did he, Sam Winchester, ever want to call one the dick angels they knew? That was Dean's thing, right?/' One name popped to the forefront of his mind: Gabriel. '/I mean, yeah, he can play some damn good pranks, gives serious douchewads the 'just desserts' treatment, and his eyes are like the purest molten gold, which, when coupled with his long-but-still-shorter-than-his hair, make him one of the most adorable and sexy sights, and he has a way of making me laugh through sexual innuendo, even when I'm in the worst mood at my brother or whatever case we're working. But, no.../' He stopped himself in his tracks. Luckily too, as he felt a weight drop onto the bed beside him.

Peering through his fingers, he saw his (wait... /his/?! The /that's more like it/) archangel sat, with their thighs and shoulders almost touching, with a questioning look on his face.

"What the hell are you doing here?!"

"Hey. Woo chill there Sasquatch. You called me?" Gabriel mojo'd a large red sucker into his hand and took a long suck, his mouth releasing with a loud 'pop'.

"Wait... No I didnt?" Sam gave up watching Gabe's mouth making obscene forms around the lollipop, hoping it would prevent the strain in his jeans that was bound to happen '/hang on... Since when did I get turned on by Gabe sucking on a lolly?/' But he got too caught on the words 'Gabe sucking' which immediately flew plenty of images into his mind, that he really could have done without right then '/save them for the shower later/'.

"You don't know that 'longing is the same as praying'?" Gabe replied, mock shocked, but still managed to include the airquotes. He recovered himself quickly though, unlike Sam who had managed to stop breathing.

"Soooo, Sambo didn't want me to know just how much he's been thinking of me lately? Breathe, Sam, it helps with not-dying. Hey! Shouldn't that be your New Years Resolution?" He laughed at his own joke before he snapped his fingers in front of Sam's face, bring him out of the trance.

"Its ok, you know? Nothing to be ashamed of. I am amazing, I wonder how people can't not think of me all the time, especially at certain times" He shot a wink at Sam who was very close to not being able to hold back at all. '/Shit, he knows about that./'

"Umm, yeah..." Sam trailed off.

Gabriel watched carefully as the giant moose turned away again, taking in the tan skin stretching over those goddamn intense cheekbones and down to the shirt collar, he found himself wishing to follow the skin downwards, removing all items of clothing in the process. He mentally slapped himself '/what if Sam isn't ready for that/' before bring his eyes back to Sam's face, and then getting lost again in the long shaggy brown hair, and stunning hazel eyes that shined with different colours when ever the light hit them right. He found he couldn't answer himself when he mentally asked how long ago it had been since he started noting the small things about Sam, '/too long/' he settled with. It took him a few seconds to realise Sam was staring right back at him (fuck, they were doing that intense longing gaze thing of Dean and Cas') and bought his eyes away, and focussed instead on willing the pain in his pants to subside.

"You really don't mind?" Sam followed Gabe's line of sight, and saw a slowly growing bulge identical to the one he was trying so desperately to avoid. He moved his hand, so Gabe would notice the longing was reciprocated '/shit. I hope I'm not being to forward so he thinks he has to/'. He moved closer until he could feel Gabriel's short huffs of breath, and realised that his own breathing was scattered and needy. Gabriel turned to face Sam, bringing their faces even closer together.

"Fuck no". Sam leaned in a kissed Gabriel passionately, Gabe kissing back hard with a strong urgency, before clicking his fingers making the sucker and all their clothes disappear. He took a break from kissing Sam to look down the length of the body he'd wished to look at for so long, as Sam kissed heavily along his jaw and onto his neck, occasionally nipping at areas of skin. Gabriel moaned, relishing in the feel of Sam's tongue pushing against his skin, and his hands twisting into the shorter man's hair. They fell back onto the bed, and Sam moved to put Gabriel beneath him, as he felt the know growing erection against his thigh Sam moaned lowly, and grabbed Gabriel's length with a quiet growl. He barely had time to marvel Gabe's impressive size before Gaberiel was groaning under him

"Yes, Sam. Oh fuck yes". Gabriel grasped at the bedsheets, as Sam rubbed harder against him, pushing his hip down to meet the archangels.

"Inside me, now, please" Gabriel whined as Sam sucked hard on a sensitive spot on Gabe's neck. Sam was now fully hard, as was Gabriel, he reached for the bottle of lube in the bedside cabinet, and poured a generous amount onto his palm.

"You're so needy!" Sam chuckled. "Bet you've never wanted it this much, have you, trickster. I have tricks that will make you weep, but you have to prove you're worth them" Gabe moaned louder under Sam's dirty talk, and rutted into his palm. Sam's pain was rising and he watched as a small drip of pre-cum fell onto the sheet, he couldn't hold himself back for much longer. He rubbed the lube over his fingers and circled one around Gabe's hole before breaching and leaving his finger still to watch the archangel. Gabe moaned loudly

"Move, Sam".

Sam started pumping his finger into Gabe, before adding a second and scissoring them apart, by now Gabe was panting, and thrusting himself back onto Sam's fingers

"Sam please. Need you. Inside me."

Sam decided it was time, removed his fingers and lubed his own dick before lining up behind Gabriel. Gabriel whined at the emptiness he felt, but it became a deep, loud groan of pleasure as Sam began to enter him, pushing just the head into Gabriel's hole. Sam noticed a drop of precum on the end of Gabe's length, annd brought his hand from Gabriel's thigh and rubbed his thumb over the head, scratching slightly against the slit, and began to pump his hand in time to his thrusts. Gabriel was now a moaning mess as Sam fucked him hard.

"I'm about to come, Sam!" Gabriel warned.

"Same here. I'm going to fill your pretty little ass up, so hard." Sam replied, thrusting harder into Gabriel and slamming into his prostate, making the archangel cry out, before screaming Sam's name as he came, Sam followed shortly after, crying out for Gabriel.

After they rode out their climaxes, Sam withdrew himself and fell next to his lover, both panting. Gabriel snapped his fingers and the two were fully cleaned up, though still fully naked.

"You are amazing, Sammich"

"Yeah, you are too, Gabe". Sam pulled up the thin blanket from where it had been dumped on the floor, and brought it up to cover the two. Both were exhausted, and curled up around each other, Gabriel naturally as the little spoon. He purred as Sam placed his arm on his side.

"I love you, Sammich."

"I love you too, angel". Gabriel laughed quietly at the nickname, before whispering


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