Dean Imagine

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"Can I request a Deanx reader where the reader has had a bad day with a hunt not going well, she is a bit of a perfectionist, and her being ill so Dean plans a nice evening in with movies and food and cuddles. Also Dean being an awesome gentleman and helping his sick girlfriend :3" - request from geekyelvenchick on Tumblr.
A/N: Sorry if this isn't quite what you wanted, its the first sick!reader I've written really. I'm really sorry it took so long, I wrote it and then decided it was really really bad so this is the rewrite. Sorry!

(f/f) = favourite flavour
(f/m) = favourite movie
(f/h/d) = favourite hot drink
(h/c) = hair colour

You coughed into your hand, making your head pound even more. This week was not going great; first you'd screwed up a hunt by missing a vampire - who managed to escape the attack in the end - and you were ill. The vampire thing especially pissed you off; why should anyone have to suffer because of your accidental overlook - needless to say, you were a bit of a perfectionist. You grabbed another tissue from the packet nearest to you, you swear you'd spent more on tissues and tablets in the last week than you ever had in your life, and still you weren't feeling any better.

What made the whole thing worse, was that both Winchesters had taken to leaving you alone completely, not even calling to say when dinner was ready. This made you especially pissed off as Dean was usually an extremely sweet boyfriend; always making sure you were happy. This lead you to become cold with the brothers, in the hope that they would notice what they were doing.

Your method it seemed had worked; you heard your phone vibrate quietly on the bedside table. Dean.

(Y/N) there's some hot (f/f) soup waiting for you in the kitchen sweetie xx

You grinned widely, grabbing a pack of tissues and making your way to where the smell of (f/f) was wafting from.

You didn't expect to find not only soup, but piles of chocolate and a couple of large bottles of Lucozade as well. You found the soup on the counter, and took it out into the library where you knew the boys would be.

"Woah, call the containment centre, they got an escaped one." Sam joked as you entered.

"Piss off, Sam. You've been a complete dick to me this past week, shut up." You snapped back. You knew you looked like shit, but you couldn't care less, everyone does when they're ill.

" I'm sorry about that, sweetie, I didn't know whether you'd want us around or not. It was Sam's idea to leave you be, I swear." Dean stood and walked over, sending a glare at his brother, to which he received a roll of the eyes and signature bitch face in return.

"Just not again, okay?" You relaxed into his arms, careful not to spill any of the hot liquid you were carrying.

"Never." Dean placed a tender kiss on your forehead. "You need a shower, baby girl."

"I know. But effort." You whined, as Dean pulled out your chair for you.

"Okay... How about, if you have a shower, I'll get (f/m) ready and we can cuddle?" Dean knew you were a sucker for cuddling, he was as well but this was the worst, and best, kind of bribery.

"Urgh, fine." You continued eating, a little faster than you had been.

After a long shower, you finally made your way down to Dean, dressed in comfy sweats, a tank top, and your (h/c) hair out of the way.

You followed the sounds of the home screen of your (f/m), fresh packets of tissues in your hands. Dean was waiting for you with blankets and cushions, with (f/h/d) and some of the chocolate that had been in the kitchen.

"What took you so long, babe? That was over an hour, you okay?" Dean's face was filled with worry.

"Getting out of the shower's even more effort." You commented, before snuggling yourself into your boyfriend's arms.

You remained in Dean's arms that night, after falling asleep just after the movie ended, not that either of you complained. Evening's when you were ill were now always like this, Dean even calling off a hunt to make sure you were ok. And you'd never tell, but whenever Dean was ill the pattern continued, with him being even more needy.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 25, 2015 ⏰

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