Destiel - Drabble

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A/N: So I was going through old stuff on my laptop and I found a drabble that I wrote in like 5 minutes on a bus one time, so I figured why not post it on here. The people in my creative writing group found it amusing so hopefully you guys will too :) There is a smutty part 2 which will go up another time. Above (should be) the picture that inspired this.... Don't ask.

Destiel Volcano!AU.

Dean was the scariest volcano around, all the other volcanoes knew it and avoided him at all costs. Just the sight of his tall, trembling body was enough to make even Etna run screaming. It had been like this all Dean's life. All he wanted was hugs.

Then one day, when Dean was sat on his own with tears avalanching down his steep jagged sides, a young, small volcano turned up and gave him a hug. This new volcano introduced himself as Castiel. Castiel sat by Dean's side comforting him for a while, before asking if Dean wanted to go burn some more villages. They marched off into the sunset holding hands. The end.

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