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Everything went smoothly for the next month or so. I was a lot more outgoing with everyone in the network- going to lunch, drinks on Fridays, and a bunch of other things.

Livestream season rolled around, and everything got hectic. Sam, the audio engineer and I spent a lot of time together since I knew how to set up a basic system. We set up video, audio, and all the other things we needed and tested it all out. Everything was good except a few audio cables, which we easily fixed.

The first few days I stayed over to help Sam with managing the livestream. I mostly did chat moderating, since Sam knew much more about his setup than I did, but we alternated between the two.

My solo stream was early in the month, the seventh of December, and it went fairly well. Of course, I didn't have as big an audience as a few of the prior streams, but I still got the chance to raise a few thousand for charity.

The karaoke stream was on the 16th, and the day of, I was helping Sam for half of it until Alex and Turps reminded me I was on the list for the night, so I had to come out of my hidey hole.

Surprisingly, I wasn't all that bad at the singing part. Remembering the words was another case. Everyone cheered me on, though, so all in all it was fairly successful. Alex, Trott and Ross sung a few of their own parodies. Trott and I managed to do the entire Pokerap without messing up once. Afterwards, Alex and I sung a few songs by the Killers.

Several hours past and the donations kept on coming in. We continued singing until a little past midnight. Turps, Trott and Hannah went home as soon as the stream ended, but Ross, Alex and I stayed over to help Sam get everything cleaned up and shut down properly.

"We raised so much money!" I exclaimed excitedly as I looked at the counter.

Sam laughed. "Yeah, karaoke night is one of the biggest streams in the month. You did really good."

"Thanks, Sam," I murmured. "It's been a lot of fun so far. Uh, Ross, you got the rest of this? I don't want to make Alex stay here forever."

"Yeah, we're just about done anyways. See you tomorrow, E!"

I grabbed the small bag I carried and slung it over my back before walking back out into the kitchen to find Alex drinking a cup of tea. "Everything all good?" he asked.

"Yeah, Ross and Sam are just finishing the rest of the system stuff. They told me we could go ahead. You ready?"

He hummed a yes and downed the rest of his tea. "Let me just grab my stuff and we'll be on our way."

A few minutes later, we were in the car, shivering as we waited for the heating to kick in. I yawned. "Tired?"

"Obviously," I responded. "That was a long stream, and staring at chat for half of it doesn't exactly help."

"Don't worry, I understand completely. I'm probably gonna pass out as soon as I get home."

I huffed a laugh and shook my head slightly, my eyes lingering shut for a few moments. I was suddenly snapped back to reality as the car jolted slightly and Alex announced I was home.

"Thanks for the drive," I said sleepily. "Fun stream too. See you tomorrow."

"Night, E," Alex replied as he started the car again.

Another 7 days past and the day of my stream with the lads rolled around. Normally everyone went in late during December since they were going to stay over anyways, and I was definitely not passing up an opportunity to sleep in. I woke up at 9:30 to shower and get ready, and I shot Alex a quick text.

I: Just getting in the shower- when are you picking me up?

A: 11 sound good for you?

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