Chapter 21

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Where is she? I've been waiting ten minutes! Where is Lucy?! She gets off work twenty minutes before I do! I am completely stressing out! She should be here by now, or she would have at least called or texted or something!

Annie: Lucy? Where r u?

Annie: Hello??

Annie: Lucy?!?!

Annie: {Calls}

Annie: Bro! pick up!

Annie: UGH! LUCY!

Annie: {calls}


I hang up angrily and wait another 5 minutes until I give up and call Niall. He picks up right away and is over in less than five minutes. Thank goodness.

"Thanks. Do you know where Lucy is?" I say exhausted as I climb in the car.

He smiles and replies, "No. Sorry, love." I don't reply, I just lean back in my seat. He wraps my hand in his and he squeezes as he slowly says, "Simon's funeral is in three days. Everything is organized."

I nod and smile. Then, a tear slips out of the corner of my eye. I mean, I honestly didn't know Simon, but nether the less, he saved us. He saved Niall... We drive back to my flat and walk up. All of the sudden though, I see a girl with brown hair and a polo with jeans.

"Um... Hi. Who are you?" I say percausiosly as I step into the main living room.

"This is Sabrina. She'll be staying here for... Well I don't really know yet." Lucy chimes in, now stepping into my view. I must look pretty peed off because her face flutters with worry and she rushes to say something. "Oh! I'm sorry for not picking you up! I was busy! I'll explain later.."

I nod. "It's fine." 

Suddenly, life comes to Juju's face. I just realized that she was there. "Wait, what?! She's staying here?"

Lucy nods, "Yes. She's nice, don't worry." Juju just growls and clings to Louis, giving Sabrina an almost death glare.

"A-Again, thank you so much... I don't believe I know any of your names though." Sabrina says timidly. She is obviously nervous, shaken, and shy.

"I'm Annie, that's Juju, Louis, Harry, this is Niall, and I think you know Lucy." I say gesturing to the person as I say their name.

"Oh, I already know tthem." Sabrina says ponting to Niall, Harry, and Louis. She explains that she remembers them from the X-Factor.

Suddenly I feel slightly intimidated. yes. I watched their X Factor, but only their auditions and when they were at Simon's house, then i had to stop. I remember hearing, probably from Niall, that they were kicked off two rounds after that. Sabrina had watched it all.

I shake it off It's just a show. It dosn't matter. Now that I think about it though, I was always attracted to the "Irish Justin Bieber" Even though I'm not that big a fan of "JB". Lucy, Sabrina, and I set up the spare room for Sabrina. Luckily, we pretty much never use it and never really have.

When we come back out though, Harry is gone.


Posting tomorrow too. Sorry I have been at Variety Show practice. 

cliff hanger!! lol sorry


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