The First Day

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Hey Minna!!

This is my very first fanfic and I'm SO EXCITED! I came up with this idea at like 4:30 in the morning when I woke up early for no reason. I already have the while story line planned out so I'm very happy. Imagine a little girl squealing and looking at her phone.. that's me!

Yea and I don't own Fairy Tail. If I did it would suck, but we would have Nalu babies already...

Without further ado, on with the story!!

Lucy Pov:

I woke up super happy because today was the first day of going to a new school, Fairy Tail High. I look over at the clock and it's already 7:15. School starts at 8.

"Better get going" I mumble to myself.
I take a shower and wash my gorgeous long blonde hair. After, I put on my school uniform. I wear a white short-sleeved undershirt, with a beige vest over it. My skirt is gray and I have a pink tie. For breakfast, I eat some toast with strawberry jelly I made earlier. With my teeth brushed, and my hair done with a small side pony tail, I left my house and made my way to the bus stop.

Timeskip: On the Bus

I walk down the aisle, unsure of who to sit next to. Towards the back I see a girl about my age and make my way to her. She had the same outfit as me except she had an orange tie. He beautiful blue hair flowed out from behind an orange headband. She looked really nice.

"May I sit here?" I inquired.
"Oh sure, My name is Levy McGarden." Levy responds.
"I've never seen you here before. Are you new?" Levy asks.
"Yup," I say
"Cool, I'll show you around school." Levy says
For the rest of the ride we talked about our favorite books and the school library and other stuff. I like this Levy girl.

Timeskip: First Class

It turns out that Levy and I had the same schedule so we walked into class together. The teacher, Miss Virgo introduced me to the class as Hime, Lucy Heartfilia. (A/N: hime means princess in Japanese)
I stopped to observe the class.

A pink haired guy arguing with a Raven haired guy who doesn't have a shirt on.. A girl next to the pink haired dude with short white hair... A girl with dark blue hair staring at the shirtless dude with hearts in her eyes... A girl in the back with long gorgeous scarlet hair... A scary dude with many, many, piercings... And a guy with blue hair and a giant red tattoo on his face... ( A/N: There were more people I'm just lazy tho XD )

I walked with Levy to the back of the room and sat in between her and the scarlet girl. I looked over and introduced myself.

"What's your name?" I ask.
"My name is Erza Scarlet. I'm new here." She says. "Wow, just like her hair." I think
"Me too!" I exclaim, "Wanna hang out with me and Levy for lunch?" I ask.
"Sure!" She responds with a beautiful smile. I'm glad I made friends so fast here. This is way better than my last school.

History with Ms. Virgo was okay. She make us do that much work which I liked but this orange haired dude with glasses kept winking at me... (Guess who.. ^3^)

Levy, Erza, and I had math together next so we traveled there together. We were in a very heated debate about whether the movie or the book Divergent was better. I wasn't watching where i was going and bumped into something, or someone... and fell on top of them.

Once I realized what had happened, I quickly scrambled to my feet.

"I'm soooo sorry," I apologized, my face heating up. I look down and see who I tripped on. It was the pink haired boy from my first class. I muttered "pink hair?' quietly chuckle but he still heard me.

"Hey, it salmon, not pink, okay?" He retorted. I giggle.

" My name is Natsu Dragoneel." He says, give a large warm grin.

"And I'm Lucy Heartfilia." I reply, while grinning back. He makes my feel all warm and bubbly on the inside. And his face is too cute.. Wait, what? CUTE?? Stop thinking that, Bad Lucy..

We stand there grinning for like 10 seconds when the white haired girl comes up and grabs Natsu's arm from behind.

"Natsu, we're gonna be late for class." She cooed and pulled him away.

"Bye, Luce!" he shouts over his shoulder and walks down the hall. I feel a tinge of pain in my heart and stand there staring as the white haired girl looks back at me and smirks. Is this jealousy?

Timeskip: Lunch Time

We grabbed our lunches and Levy dragged us to her friends who were sitting under a tree. They were the same people that I had in my first 3 classes.

I learned the blue haired guy was Jellal, the blue haired girl was Juvia
And the pierced boy was Gajeel.

So we sat down and ate lunch while getting to know each other.

How was it? I'm enjoying doing this. Btw you have NO idea how hard it is to write "you" and not "u" .... Anyways, thanks for reading, pls comment I LUV reading funny comments and ways how to make my story better. ♡♡

BAI! ~~AriesTheRam156

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