Chapter 8

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Hey minna,

I had another great idea for where this story could go and how to make it longer. I ll probably present it in this chapter. Actually, I'll do it right now. I don't own Fairy Tail.

Mirajane's Pov:

Uggghhhh why does my 5th period class's ships have to be so dense? Why can't they just realize they love eachother? I'll make them... Ooooooooo I just had the best idea ever. (A/n: I'm smirking while writing this..) I'll tell them tommorow. Hehehehe.

Timeskip: Tommorow at 5th Period

"You guys have been working sooooo hard." I look around and frown I my mind.

"So we're taking a field trip." People groan.

"Not to the science center!" Some kid shouts.
"Nope! We're not going there." I smile.

"But before I tell you where we are going, you must choose whether you want to go, or not. Okay, if you want to go, raise your hand."

Lucy raised her hand first. Natsu looks at her then raised his hand. Then Levy, Erza, and Juvia, raised their hands. Levy raided Gajeel hand, and Erza did the same with Jellal.

"Gray, raise your hand. " Juvia glared. He gulped and slowly raised his hand.

"Anymore?" I ask.

Everyone shook their heads.

Okay for tge weekend, we will be going tooo.. (A/n: drumroll)

The Daybloom Beach Resort!!! (A/n: yes that is a flower in terraria- which is an awesome game)

The 9 people that were going gasped.

The rest of the room broke out into chaos.

"What the heck!"
"You can't do that!"
"I wanna go!"
"Take me with you!"
"I'm going anyways"
"That ain't fair!"
And so on.

Lucy and Levy squealed.

"We have to pack." They yelled

"They 9 of you may skip school and go home to pack." I giggle. What kind of teacher am I? Letting kids skip school. As long as Mrs. Carla (the principle) doesn't catch me I'm good though.

The nine kids leave and I turn to face an angry mob, which is my class. I put on my sweetest expression and say, "Settle down class, or I will call each and every one of you parents and have you suspended."

The class was so silent you could here a pin drop. Ahh I love being a teacher.

Gray Pov:

Now is the time. I see Juvia leaving school to go pack. Last night I realized something. I think I love Juvia. I'm going to tell her that and my be she'll forgive me. I would understand if she didn't though. Who would after the way I treated her.

Pulled out of my thoughts I hold my blue hydrangea flowers close to my chest and walk after Juvia. She must have heard my footsteps because she stops and turns to face me. Suddenly the sky goes dark and it starts to lightly rain. She looks up and smiles.

"You're beautiful, Juvia." I whisper, the only other noise being the pitter-patter of the rain against the pavement. She looks at me and tilts her head still smiling.

"I though you didn't like me..." she says softly as I walk towards her.

"That's right. I don't like you." I said. She looked heartbroken and was about to turn and leave but I put my hands around her waist.

"Because I love you." I said softly.

Juvia Pov:

"Because I love you." He said.

As soon as Gray-sama said that, Juvia smashed her lips againts his for a very passionate kiss. He kisses back immediately which surprises Juvia.

We both pull apart for air and look at eachother. Juvia wrapped her hands around his neck and this time he kissed Juvia . He runs one hand through her hair and places it on the small of her back.

Time was lost and Juvia had no idea where Juvia was. She was pulled from this place when someone slapped Gray-sama's shoulder.

"There are kids here ya know!" She shouts. A little kid was looking at Juvia weirdly. Juvia did not care. She looked back at Gray-sama and kissed his one last time. It started to rain harder.

"Let's get out of here," Gray-sama said.

"Juvia knows just the place, Gray-sama." Gray-sama hugged Juvia happy that Juvia referred to him as Gray-sama. Then Juvia tugged him all the way to her favorite place: the park!

At the park Juvia and Gray laughed and talked. Juvia even told about Ms. Mira's help.


Gruvia!!! Oh and Juvia's rain represented her level of happiest in this chapter. That's all.

BAI! AriesTheRam156

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