Chapter 3

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Hey Minna!

Guess what? People are ACTUALLY reading my story!! I didn't think anyone would actually...
Still don't own Fairy Tail

Lucy Pov:

All during science, Natsu and I would stare at each other, make eye contact, look away blushing, and do it again. The whole time if felt someone staring at me, someone other than Natsu... Oh well, I brushed it off. I was just super happy to be next to him. We talked about random things, made fun of eachother and tried hard not to laugh out loud during class. I wanted to stay in this moment forever...

The bell rang, and I sighed. Natsu frowned also which made me blush. He actually wanted to be with me...

"Bye Luce," he said, the sadness in his voice evident. Naturally I tried to cheer him up.

"Hey at least I see you everyday in science, right?" I blushed as I realized what I had said.

"Right." he said and left with Lisanna.

Natsu Pov:

All I could think was Luce, Luce, Luce, Luce, not even anything about Lisanna. I think  I like Luce.. Maybe more than like.. (A/n: Is it wrong for m to squeal while writing this?)  I walked home thinking about her when I suddenly heard a girl scream from an alley. I immediatly start running towards the sound and see 3 guys surrounding a girl.

"Hey! Get away from her!" I shout out.

"And what makes you think we'll do that?" says the leader with a firm grip on the girl's arm.

I run towards him and give him a bone-crushing punch to the jaw. The other two dudes drag their master away as I glare at them. I help the girl up realize..

"Luce! Are you okay?" I ask worried

"Thanks for saving me Natsu, how can I repay you."

"I don't need anything, just for you to be okay." I say blushing

She grabs my hand and pulls me somewhere.

"Ill take you to my apartment and make you some food" she offers

My face lights up at the idea of food. She sees.

"Come on then." she says guiding me to her apartment.

I happily come along. She lives in a small neat place right in front of a canal. Also she has a window I can enter through if I ever come an secretly visit her. 

We walked up stairs and inside. (A/N:To lazy to describe room) I wandered around and plopped down on he plush pink bed.

Lucy Pov:

I walked in went to my kitchen and started cooking chicken legs. Natsu found his way into my bedroom. After like 2 minutes I went to go check on him. He was on my bed, asleep. His face looked ever so peaceful so I sat on the bed.

"Luce..." he whined. I chuckled and laid my face next to his. I stared at his beatific face and was caught off guard when his arms snaked around my waist and pulled me in close. I felt my face turn the color if Erza hair. I was about to tap Natsu's shoulder but I wanted to enjoy Natsu's warmth.

5 minutes later I woke him up. As soon as he realized our postion, he bolted up. 

"Luce, I'm sorry," he says 

"I didn't mind, " I say blushing

"Ummm I have to go." He says frantically. 

Then I did something I never ever thought I would do. I leaned in and pecked him on the cheek. 

"Bye Luce," he yells jumping through my window. 

"Bye," I mutter, amazed by what just happened.


Don't really have anything to say XD Oh yeah, comments are AWESOME!!

BAI! AriesTheRam156 

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