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Snakes pov.
I woke up from sleeping. My hair was messy and unbrushed. I sighed and found a note, 'You're not alone, together we stand, I'll be by your side and I'll take your hand -Avril.' It said. I frowned, Avril... I ran to her room. She opened the door and I hugged her. She hugged me back, I finally remembered. Avril was my bestest friend my whole elementary school. I thought she had died when she was in a traffic crash, but she lived! "I'm here for you, Snake." She told me sternly. I was two days older then her, yet she acted like she owned me. I felt tears falling, she smiled at me. I missed her so much! "I missed you so much." I murmured. Me and her walked out of her room, Mrs. Glastonbury had grown older and she was soon to retire. Kristen was with her, "Snake and Avril trashed my room! Snake left this note saying, 'Watch out before I kill you'. Please believe me and let me teach her a lesson!" Kristen was pleading. I walked into my room, Avril had went downstairs to get something to eat. Kristen walked into my room. "Look, I know what you did and I am here to teach you a lesson." She said almost happily. Mrs. Glastonburys brown hair was flowing with the window open. Kristen walked over and shoved me down, she ripped at my arm. "Mrs. Glastonbury help!" I screamed as Kristen punched me in the stomache. I tried using my powers but my pain took over, bared my teeth at Kristen, she didn't notice because her eyes were filled with anger while she smashed me against the floor. The fire in my eyes returned greedily, I snarled and slashed Kristens face with my nails, "Y-your a vampire!" Kristen gasped, I got up unevenly and pushed her away from me, she kicked me down again, I gasped with pain. "Spirit-" I heard someone scream. "Use all your power and help Snake!" I heard someone scream again, I felt myself lift up, I saw Serenity, Shark, and Owl. They all stared at me, their eyes burning coldly. I screamed when I felt myself fall down over again, Kristen was kicking me over and over again, I cried and sobbed for Blaze.
Blazes pov.
I heard wind whispering, "Blaze... Snake... needs your help.. NOW!" It was twirling around with fear and pain. My vision sharpened and I ran towards the orphanage. "Snake!" I screamed, I saw her laying down. Then I saw someone else burst into the room, they had long black hair. "Crystal!" He yelled. Crystal? I thought. The man lunched himself at Kristen, he punched her in the ribs and kicked her in the side. Snakes fire red eyes closed. "Wind, Fire, Earth, Water and spirit, help Snake up with my pain and anger!" I screamed. Snake slowly opened her eyes again, her face was really pale and her teeth glinted in the light. She ran out of the room, The man followed, screaming for her to come home. I broke down. I had cheated on her with a girl who cheated on me after, I have lost Snake forever...
Snakes pov.
I ran and ran, the scene replaying in my mind, Blaze had come back. I kept running then I saw Avril. "Follow me, and Hurry!" She hissed at me. I followed and we came to a big cabin. I ran in to see a big black wolf with bright green eyes looking at me. I fell down and it lunged, I screamed and all of a sudden it stopped. It tipped it's head sideways. "Meet Death. He is unusual for a wolf, he is actually a werewolf. He follows someone after death has happened." Avril whispered. Death walked over to me, he licked my arm where a huge scratch was. I looked into his eyes. He chane suddenly into a black haired boy with blue eyes. He was pale but not vampire like. I was caught in his beauty. "I smell wet dog." A deep voice I recognized snarled. I turned shaply to see Blaze. His eyes softened when he seen me. Avril snarled at him and she turned into a big brown and white wolf with golden brown eyes. I hugged her, her eyes shone in words I heard in my mind, "You can be with me... Call spirit and ask to switch forms and lives." Her voice rang in my mind. I looked at Blaze again, Death switched back to a wolf slowly. Blaze snarled, "Don't you even dare touch them." I growled. "Spirit, I want to become a werewolf. Vampires are to hard to control now... But I am still in the circle." I whispered. Blaze ran to me. "No! Snake please!" He begged. I felt myself fall and I saw fur growing on me, I hunched over painfully and I growled animal like. I closed my eyes, This pain is unbearable! My mind screamed at me. I heard Blaze screaming my name over and over again. I opened my eyes and whimpered. I looked at my fur, it was pitch black with a white mask like face. I looked up at Blaze, he was crying. My head reached to his chin, my ears to his eyes. I licked his hand. "Snake-?" He asked quietly. "Snake, you must choose a new name now." Avril told me. I have had already switched my name twice! I shook my head. "No!" I barked. My eyes were still were fire red, my fur was longer then the others and my ears were ragged and torn. My muzzel had a huge long scratch on it. Blaze hugged me around the neck, I snarled and lowered my head dangerously. "Back off!" Avril snarled at Blaze. I curled up and sleep took over.

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