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Snakes pov.
I woke up and knew the pups were coming, I rn off as fast as I could to the meadow. I wouldn't have everyone watching me in pain. I gritted my teeth and after a while I licked the two new pups, a white female with fire red eyes and a black male with white splotches and a white mask face like me and very green eyes. I licked them, The female one will be Fire and the male will be Spirit. I smiled, gratitude lighting my eyes and fur. I carried them quietly and laid them down in the nest next to Leaf, Sky and Ashes. I now was a mother to six. I sighed. Twilight walked over to me, "Sit down we need to talk. Just sit down it's just a talk." I hesitated and sat down. "These pups need to go, the ones that aren't ours." He started, but I cut in. "No! I will not abandon them like their real mother did!" Twilight stood up, "Yes you will! These aren't our pups Snake!" He started to raise his voice, I looked down, "I love them as my own..." I lowered my voice, Twilight looked at me shocked, "Snake. Now." He snarled, I stood up as well and I snapped at his muzzel, "I can band you Twilight! I am the leader here." I snarled, he sneered, "You won't be any longer." And then he leapt at me, I fell back shocked as he pinned me. My instincts kicked in and I snarled and ripped at his ear, he yelped and his lip curled behind his teeth. "I loved you!" I protested. He smiled at me coldly and I ripped his neck, "Leave. You are band from Midnightpack." I demanded as he laid at my feet. He didn't get up, he just opened his eyes and smiled, "You'll never be free of me Snake..." he choked. I flinched, the words sinking in. I shook my head as I watched him loose his last breath. I dragged his body away without anyone noticing. I sighed and licked his cheek, leaving him alone dead. I walked back to the six pups of mine. All of them were sleeping soundly. I curled up next to them and fell asleep.
*next morning*
I woke up to little bundles of fur trampling over me, I huffed and got up, Fire and Spirit were looking up at me happily. Leaf, Sky and Ashes were play fighting with Bear and Snow. Fire and Spirit started to join the play fight. I watched as Fire rolled Bear over with a little shove. I noticed Cloudy sitting down on the otherside, I walked over to her and sat down. "Strong pups you have." She commented, I knew she saw the strength in my pups and how they move quicker and stealthier then her pups. I smiled, "Thank you." Cloudy nodded, She looled around. "Where's Twilight?" She asked. I shuddered, "I-I found him dead last night, it was too sad to say out loud." I lied. Cloudy bowed her head. "I see..." She murmured. I gasped when Bear pinned Ashes down and she was yelping, "Pups stop! Ashes, what's wrong?" I snarled. Bear got off her and sneered, "Ashes is a scrawny furball. She's too weak. Ashes, Leaf and Sky smell different too." I glared at Bear and Cloudy trotted over and cuffed Bear. I liked Ashes. "My pups, go lay down." I ordered. They all walked away into the den. I saw Cloudy taking Bear and Snow to bed. I went into the den and saw Fire was missing. I started to panic, "Fire? Fire where are you!? Pups, have you seen Fire?" I asked frantically, they all shook their heads, shocked. "Fire my dear! Where are you?" I wailed. I started sniffing her scent, I got Death and Nightkiller to help me. Nightkiller looked at me, "She went this way!" He pointed his muzzel in a direction and I ran to catch her, Death and Nightkiller following on my heels. I kept sniffing and calling for her, no reply. Then I saw Ashley, he was ahead of me staring at a bundle of white fur hanging from a cliff. My vision flashed into my head. That little white pup was... Fire! I ran to her, she was wailing for help. Leah falshed into my mind, Oh Leah! I won't let the same happen to Fire. I promise. I started to reach for Fire. "Fire! Reach!" I urged. She tried reaching but she started slipping. "NO!" I felt myself slidding too. "Someone help her!" I heard Ashely screech. Nightkiller ran to my side and tried pulling us up but I slipped and before I fell I tossed Fire in the air, Death ran and caught her. "Snake! No!" Nightkiller wailed, I felt myself flying down, my head light as a feather and I felt dizzy. I crashed into water, I gasped at the shock the cold water aund me. I looked around. "Snake! Swim! You can do it!" I heard soemones whisper in my ear... Shark! "I won't let you die!" She urged me. I swam up, the currrent dragging and shoving me around, I growled. My lungs burned for air. "Water! Help Snake!" I heard Shark scream again. I gasoed as I broke the surface. I heard howling and wailing, "Snake! Swim over here! Hurry!" Death was yowling. I started paddling, my paws ached when I got to shore. I didn't see Fire. "Where's F-fire?" I asked, my voice hoarse. "Nightkiller slipped too. And I had handed him Fire so I could get to you when he slipped he still had Fire." Death explained. I felt my body go cold as ice. I looked around. "FIRE WHERE ARE YOU?" I wailed. Then I saw Nightkiller, hanging onto a shiverig bundle of white fur. Fire was yelping. I saw blood welling froma gash on her side. "When we fell she got out of my grip and collided with a rock. I did too only it didn't hurt me." Nightkiller murmured. I grabbed Fires shivering limp body. "Fire? Shh it's okay. We'll get you warmth and food." I urged ever so softly. I felt something brush my side, I looked around. "Snake. She's coming with us now, she's half dead." I recognized Avrils voice. I felt tears welling down my eyes. "No! Not her, Help her LIVE!" I snarled. I heard Avrils laugh, "She won't get through this wound Snake." I sighed, and licked Fires drenched pelt, "It's okay my dear. I'm here, we're safe." I murmured. She twitched and opened her eyes, "Mom?" She yelped, I felt my throat tighten, "Yes my dear?" I asked softly, she shivered and closed her eyes. "I-I'm really cold." She whimpered. I curled up around her, "There's warmth at home, just keep breathing my darling. Be strong please." I felt my voice getting higher. "O-okay I'll t-try." Fire whimpered again. I picked her up and ran as fast as I could, she was shivering alot. "My side hurts!" She yelped, I kept running, Cloudy saw us and gasped. Everyone stared at me and Fire. I laid her down and licked her roughly. "Come on Fire! Your siblings will miss you!" I cried. Fire whimpered, "It's really cold still. I hear them callig my name mom! Can I go play with them?" She asked. I licked her head, "Yes my dear. Don't forget me, I'll always miss you." I sobbed, I heard her sigh and she went limp. "Is Snake okay?" I heard Sun ask someone. I ignored everyone and curled closer to Fire. Oh my dear pup. I cried myself to sleep, my pups came over to me and fell asleep beside me.

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