Chap 1

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Alexis' POV
I got dressed in a purple tank top, denim shorts, light gray vans, a purple watch, and a black jersey jacket. I walked downstairs. My mom, TC, his dad, Johan, his dad, Natalie, and her mom was there. "What's going on?" I asked as I say down next to Natalie. "Is anyone going to tell me what's going on?"
"You for have been chosen to go to a different school in Auradon," Mom responded.
"What?!" I asked. "Auradon? As in Auradon Prep?" I was shocked. "But Mom!"
"No buts!" Mom snapped. "You're going to go there and get me the fairy godmother's wand." I looked at her. "The four of you will go and retrieve it to break the barrier."
"No," I nodded. My mom looked at me. I looked right back but she still won. "Ugh, fine."
"Go and pack your bags," Mom demands, like always.
"Okay," I sighed. I went to my room and packed my bags. After a good two hours, I went downstairs and the limo was waiting. "Alright." I got into the limo and say between Natalie and TC. "Why us?"
"Well, the first proclamation of the new king wants us to be at this school," Natalie explained. "So we are going to Auradon Prep." The limo came to a stop. "Looks like we are here."
We got out of the limo. "Hi, I'm Prince Blake," said a guy in a suit. He shook my hand and I swore I felt a connection. "Welcome to Auradon Prep."
"Pleasure," I managed a small smile. Evie and I went to our room. "Okay."
"This place is awe---"
"Gross," I cut Natalie off.
"Awesomely gross," Natalie nodded. "Let's get settled in and meet up with Johan and TC."
"I'm not changing," I nodded. "If you think I'm changing, you can't forget about it." Wet went and met up with Johan and TC. "Alright, so the wand is in the museum. We strike tonight."
"Tonight?" Johan asked. "Really? Tonight?"
"Yeah," I nodded. I got out my cookies. "And I have a plan B if this doesn't go as planned."
"What is that plan B?" Natalie asked. I looked at her. "No way! You are not!"
"I am," I nodded.
"What is this Alelie moment you guys are having?" Johan asked. "Let us in on it!"
"I obviously like the prince, okay?" I nodded. "It's kinda just hit me like a train."
"You like the prince?" TC asked. I nodded. "Just be careful. His girlfriend, Audrey, she's very clingy." I looked at him. "Get rid of the girl first."
"These cookies have a love spell," I shrugged. "So he will like me either way. I'm not too worried but he's going to find out." I looked at Natalie. "After that, I can give him the anti-love antidote and we can go."
"You're going to put him under a spell and then take him off?" Natalie asked. "What if Blake really loves you?"
"That's on him," I shrugged.

Blake's POV
I saw Alexis sitting with her friends. I walked over to them. "Hey, can I speak with you for a second?" I asked Alexis.
"Uhm, sure," Alexis nodded. Natalie whispered something to Alexis but I couldn't hear. "You sure?" Natalie nodded. "Alright." Alexis grabbed my hand and I pulled her over to my locker. "So what is it you wanna talk to me about?"
"Just welcoming you to Auradon Prep," I smiled.
"Oh, well, on that note, I made you these cookies," Alexis smiled holding up a bag. She pulled out one. "Can you please try it?"
"No, its okay," I nodded.
"Oh, I know. You're being cautious," Alexis sighed. "Being careful from accepting food from villians kids. That's okay. You're afraid. I'll eat it."
Alexis was about to eat the committee but I grabbed it from her and took a bite. "See, I'm not afraid," I nodded. "I'm not afraid of you."
"Are you feeling okay?" she asked. Her friends gathered behind her. "Blake?"
"Yeah, I'm feeling perfectly fine standing here with you," I smiled. Savannah walked over to us. "Hey Savannah. I got something to tell you."
"Yeah?" Savannah asked.
"I'm breaking up with you," I nodded. "Yeah. I'm breaking up with you. Alexis here is my new girlfriend." Alexis smiled at me. Savannah's mouth dropped and she walked away. "Alexis, will you go to my coronation with me?"
"Yes," Alexis smiled. "I'll go to the coronation with you."
"TC, Johan, how would you guys like to join the basketball team?" I asked. TC and Johan nodded. "Come with me."
"I'll be at the game," Alexis smiled.
Johan and TC followed me. "So, how are you guys feeling about Alexis and I?" I asked.
"Well, if she's happy, I'm happy," Johan nodded. "But she's like my little sister and our head friend so if you hurt her, you don't know what's coming for you."
"I don't plan on hurting her," I nodded. "I love her." Johan and TC exchanged looks. "What?"
"Just, nothing," TC replied. "Nothing at all."
"Alright," I nodded. We got to the gym and suited up. "Hey Drew. Our new players are Johan and TC."
"I met your other friend, Natalie," Drew nodded. "She claims to be the fairest of them all..."
"That's Natalie for you," Johan nodded.
"Alright, let's get practice started and get the game going later," I smiled. "This is going to be a good time." I saw Alexis walk in and sit on the bleachers. She waved at me and I waved back. "See you after the game!"
Drew looked at me. "What happened to Savannah?" Drew asked.
"Alexis is my girlfriend," I nodded as I smiled. "Savannah's out of the picture."
"Stealing another girl's boyfriend," Drew nodded. "We'll talk after the game."
"Alright," I shrugged. I kept practicing. The bell rang. "In an hour, the game will begin."
"Do you want us to keep practicing?" Johan asked.
"Yeah," I nodded. "I'm going to go talk to my girl."

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