Chap 4

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Natalie's POV
Alexis walked in and I could tell she's been wet. "What happened to your dress?" I asked.
"I couldn't find Blake and I jumped into the water to find him," Alexis sighed. "And I ended up being drenched."
"Seriously?" I asked. "You know you can't swim."
"But I wanted to save Blake," Alexis nodded.
"Did you confess your love for him?" I asked. She nodded again. "So what about the mini muffin?"
"I'm giving it to him after the coronation tomorrow," she replied. "I don't want him to be in love with me when we take over. That'll just be weird."
"Why?" I asked.
"There's no point in having him be in love with me when we take over," Alexis added as she went into the bathroom. She walked back out wearing a tank top and sweats. "It just won't be fair to me and you know how mother is."
"I understand," I nodded. "Let's get some sleep and get ready for tomorrow's coronation."
"Honestly, I'm not ready for this," she sighed as she laid in bed. She turned on her lamp. "I know our parents will be watching but I'm not sure if I want to take over now."
"Let's do this and blow this Popsicle stand," I nodded. "I can't stand this place any longer."
"Look, aside from the things that happened between you and Jayk," Alexis looked at me, "but he likes you." I looked at Alexis. "Aside from what Drew thinks, you should go for it."
"Can I ride in with you and Blake?" I asked.
"Yeah, I don't think Blake would mind," Alexis nodded. "Besides, I need my right hand girl there with me." I smiled as she turned out her lamp. "Good night."
"Night," I nodded. Saturday evening was the big day. Alexis and I got dressed in the dresses I made for Blake's coronation. I made Alexis' dress light purple, because 1) she looked great in purple, 2) its her favorite color, and 3) its purple is also Blake's favorite color. She got on her silver heels. "You look amazing."
"You do as well," I smiled. We walked downstairs and there was Blake standing next to a horse drawn carriage. Blake and Alexis hugged. "I guess you told him already."
"Early this morning," Blake smiled. He helped Alexis up on the front seat of the carriage and me in the backseat of the carriage. Blake sat next to her. "Next stop, the castle."
I handed Alexis a light blue box that held her mini muffin. "Thanks Natalie," Alexis nodded.
"No problem," I smiled.
Blake grabbed Alexis' hand. "Don't be nervous," he smiled. "All you have to do is sit there and look beautiful." I smiled at the happy couple. "No problem there."
"Thanks you," she replied.
"Alexis, would you wear my ring?" Blake asked as he took his ring off.
"Not now. I think it would probably fall right off of me," Alexis nodded. "We don't wear the same ring size."
"She has something for you," I smiled.
"For me?" Blake asked.
"Yeah," I nodded as Alexis handed him the box. "It's for later when you need strength."
"Something to keep you going," Alexis nodded.
"Always thinking, but I can't wait," Blake said as he ate the muffin.
"No!" I nodded.
"This is really good," Blake sighed.
"Do you feel okay?" Alexis asked. Blake nodded. She nervously laughed. "Would you say that you're still in ---"
"That you have very strong feelings for her?" I cut Alexis off.
"I'm not sure," Blake replied. "I mean let's give the anti-love potion a few minutes to take effect."
"Yeah, okay," I nodded.
"Wait, what?" Alexis asked as we both realized what he just said. "You knew?"
"That you spelled me?" Blake asked. "Yeah, I knew."
"I can explain," Alexis sighed.
"No, its fine. I mean  you had a crush on me and I was with Savannah," Blake nodded. "You didn't trust it could happen on its own. Am I right?"
"Yeah," I nodded.
"How long have you known?" Alexis asked.
"Since our first date, yesterday. Your spell washed away in the enchanted lake," Blake nodded.
"So you've been...faking it since then?" I asked.
Blake slipped the ring on Alexis' finger. "I haven't been faking anything," he replied as he looked at me. Natalie, TC, and Johan took their seats up on the balcony and we began the ceremony. Blake was about to accept the conditions. "I do solomely swear."
"By the power vest in me I ---"
Emilee grabbed the wand from her mother. Blake got up and got me behind him. "Em, stop," Blake demanded. Alexis got around Blake and she was able to get the want from Emilee. TC, Johan, and I joined behind Alexis. "Alexis, give me the wand."
"Stand back," Alexis said holding the wand in front of her.
"It's okay," Blake nodded.
"Blake, I said stand back!" Alexis exclaimed.
"I told you so," Savannah inputted.
I held the wand at her. "Let's go," TC stated. "Revenge time."
"You really want to do this?" Blake asked.
"We have no choice, Blake!" Alexis argued. "Our parents ---"
"Made their choice," Blake cut Alexis off. "Now you make yours."
"Alexis?" I asked. I looked at her. "Is everything okay?"

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