Chap 6

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Blake's POV
We started the party part of the coronation. Alexis went to talk to her friends and I walked around greeting people. A slow song came on. "Excuse me, Snow White," I smiled. I walked up to Alexis and tapped on her shoulder. She turned and looked at me. "May I have this dance?"
"Yeah," Alexis smiled. I grabbed her hand and lead her to the fans floor. I bowed and she curtsied. "Okay." We started slow dancing. "So, what's your next proclamation?"
"I'm not sure," I shrugged. "What do you think I should do?"
"I'm not your queen," Alexis nodded. "I can't help you with that."
"Would you like to be my queen?" I asked.
"King Blake, your moving pretty quickly," Alexis nodded. "Let's slow it down a notch." I looked at Alexis. "We still have school."
"You said so yourself you want to be with because I make you happy," I smiled. "I see it in your eyes, Alexis. Just because you've done bad in some of the decisions you made while you were here doesn't mean you'll keep making horrible decisions ---"
"Because we're not our parents," Alexis cut me off. "I know Blake. But it's not that."
"Then what is it?" I asked.
"Savannah," Alexis sighed and looked down. "She said there was no way you'll make a villian your queen."
"I'm pretty sure Savannah wouldn't mind since she's pretty much occupied by TC," I smiled. "So, Alexis, please? You've already accepted my ring. Will you be my queen?"
"We need to talk," Natalie said as she walked up to Alexis. "I need to borrow her for a moment "
"I'll be back," Alexis nodded.
"Okay," I replied as Natalie pulled her away. I walked up to my parents. "Mom, Dad, I think I have a huge bomb I'm about to drop on you."
"What is it, son?" Dad asked.
"I think I'm going to ask Alexis to marry me and be my queen," I smiled. My mom mouth dropped open. "Mom?"
"Son, you've only been with her for a day," Dad nodded. "Are you sure about this?"
"I've never been more sure in my life," I nodded. "I think I'm really ready for this."
"Did she put you under a spell?" Mom asked.
"Don't be ridiculous," I nodded. "I promise she hasn't put a spell on me since I left the enchanted lake yesterday."
"Well, as long as Alexis is willing to marry you, there's nothing we can do about it," Mom nodded. "The only thing we can do is accept the fact that she will be our daughter-in-law."
"Mom, she's not a bad person," I nodded. "You saw yourself in there how she stood up to her mother." I looked at Dad. "Dad, if you are willing to let me have a queen rule by my side."
"You are the king now son," Dad nodded. "This is your kingdom."
"And I promise you, she will be a perfect fit," I nodded. "No mistakes."

Jayk's POV
A full year had passed and it was finally time to have the royal wedding of the year. "I still can't believe you made me the best man, dude," I said as I put on my sports coat.
"Natalie is the maid of honor," Blake replied. "It was only fair if you were the best man." Natalie walked into the room. "It's time?"
"It's time," Natalie smiled. "Be at the alter, Blake." Natalie and I started walking together. "This is my sister's big day."
"Uhm, is she okay with the dress?" I asked.
"She's not big on being a princess," Natalie smiled. "So, she didn't really like the dress but she said as long as she looks the part, that's all that matters." I looked at Natalie. "But I think Alexis likes the dress over all along with the tiara I put on her. She can do this."
"She makes Blake happy," I smiled. Natalie and I split up at the alter. I stood beside Blake. "Best decision of your life?"
"Best one ever made," Blake smiled.
The guests stood up. "This is your bride," I smiled. The doors opened and Blake smiled big. "As long as your happy bro."

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