Chap 2

17 1 0

Natalie's POV
I was in the chemistry lab. A guy sat next to me. "Hi," I smiled.
"Hi, are you going to the game later today?" he asked. "Sorry, my name is Jayk."
"I'm Natalie," I nodded. "And yeah. My two best friends are on the team." I smiled. "I'm going there to support them." He smiled at me. "Why do you ask?"
"I'm playing on the team," Jayk smiled. "I guess I'll see you there."
"Definitely," I smiled. I wrote down the notes that I needed and went back to my room. I got dressed in a royal blue skater dress and heels to match. I took one look in the mirror. "Time to go and see Ally." I went to the gym and saw Alexis. I stood onbthw bleachers next to her. "Hey Ally."
"Nat," Alexis smiled. "Glad you made it." She looked at me. "And you changed?"
"I can see you didn't," I nodded. "You know I have to have at least one outfit change during the day."
"That's why I'm glad to call you my sister," Alexis smiled. We watched the game together. At the end of the game Blake met up with us along with TC and Johan. "Hey. I didn't actually think you meant after the game."
"That's exactly what I meant," Blake smiled. I nodded. "So, do you want to go on a date in two hours?"
Alexis was speechless. I poked her. "She'd love to," I replied for her. She nodded. "Told you so."
"Alright, I'll see you in two hours," Blake smiled. "I love you." He left.
Alexis turned and looked at me. "What just happened?" she asked.
"You got a date with your boyfriend," Johan poked at Alexis.
"Are you nervous?" I asked.
"Kinda," Alexis sighed. "Can you help me?"
"Yeah," I smiled. "Come on." We went back to our room. "Okay, your getting a dress on." Alexis got on her favorite purple dress and sat next to me on my bed. "Now time to do your makeup." I started doing her makeup. "You okay?"
"Yeah," Alexis nodded. "It's just.... I never had a sister who would help me with all of this." I looked at her. "Mom, well, she wasn't really big on looks as she was on character."
"Well, now you have me," I smiled as I finished her blush. "There we go." She looked in a mirror. "What do you think?"
"You are a wizard with a brush," Alexis smiled. "Thank you."
We hugged. "No problem," I smiled. My phone vibrated and I looked at it. It was a text from Jayk saying meet me in the chemistry lab for studying. I looked at Alexis. "You going to be okay, here, alone? Waiting for Blake?"
"Go," Alexis nodded. "I'll be fine."
"You have fun, okay?" I nodded.
"I just wanna be gone from here," Alexis shrugged. "After his coronation, we're gone."
"It's whatever," I nodded. "Our parents did this and its what we're destined to do." Alexis sighed. "Everything's okay."

Jayk's POV
Natalie met me in the chemistry lab. "Hey, I thought you weren't going to make it," I smiled.
"I was helping Alexis," Natalie nodded. "Girl problem. Why are we meeting on the down low?"
"Well, considering what Alexis did to Emilee's hair and what you did to Drew, we have to hide," I sighed. "Drew doesn't really like you guys. Alexis stole Blake from Savannah, you kinda knocked Drew out with your perfume, TC stole co-captain from Drew, and Drew just thinks Johan is annoying." I looked at Natalie. "Is this making any sense?"
"That's why he gave my mirror to the teacher?" Natalie asked and I nodded. "Well, you guys don't have to worry about us much longer after tomorrow."
"You have a whole school year," I replied.
"You don't know our parents," Natalie nodded. "Trust me. You'll find out soon enough."
"You're the daughter of Evil Queen but you choose your path," I assured. "You're beautiful in your own way. You're not over everyone. Okay?"
"Not the way I know that," Natalie sighed. "But that's just our parents."
"They may have raised you but you make your own decisions," I nodded. "I'm not sure what you and your friends are up to but you make the decision whether or not it's the right thing to do."

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