Chap 3

15 1 0

Alexis' POV
Blake had picked me up and we went to a place that had a nature scene. "It's beautiful here," I smiled as we slowly crossed the bridge. "I love it here."
"Yeah?" Blake asked. "It's not at beautiful as you though." He covered my eyes with his hands. "We are going somewhere."
"Blake, I can't see," I giggled.
"That's the point," Blake replied. He guided me to a place for like five minutes and we stopped. "Are you ready?"
"Yeah," I smiled. Blake removed his hands and I opened my eyes. I saw a picnic set up by the lake. "Oh my god."
"What?" Blake asked snaking his arms around my waist from behind. "Isn't this your idea of a first date?"
"I love it, Blake," I nodded. Blake grabbed my hand and we sat down on the blanket. "It's beautiful around here."
"What do I not know about Alexis?" Blake asked. I looked at him. "Do I have to ask for a game of 20 questions?"
"What do you wanna know?" I asked grabbing a strawberry. "Just ask and I'll answer."
"I think I'll hold onto the mystery of what is Alexis," Blake smiled. I looked out into the lake. "Let's go for a swim."
"No," I nodded. Blake looked at me. "I'll just stay here and eat these strawberries."
"Okay," Blake smiled.
"I'll be okay," I replied. Blake left. I must've ate like five strawberries. I stood up and turned around. I saw Blake on the cliff. "Are those cat heads on your swim trunk?"
"Maybe," Blake shrugged.
"You're just full of surprises," I smiled. Blake jumped off and he hit the water. I giggled. My phone started vibrating near the picnic basket. "What's going on?" I sat down next to the basket and checked my phone. "Of course it would be Natalie."
Text With Nat
Nat: wand snatching at the coronation?
Me: yeah, its time to blow this joint after tomorrow
Nat: alright, not really up for it but our parents... I'm ready to go back home.
"Alright," I sighed. I got back up and looked at the lake. I couldn't find Blake. "Blake? Blake?" I jumped into the water, ignoring my fear that I can't swim. I got way too deep. Next thing I know Blake's carrying me to the platform and he put me on there. "My god, Blake."
"You can't swim?" Blake asked.
"No," I kinda yelled.
"But you live on an island," Blake responded.
"That has a barrier," I replied.
"You can't swim but you tried to save me anyways," Blake replied.
"Yeah, and I'm all wet," I sighed. I turned around. Blake got on the platform and put his letterman jacket around me. "Thank you." Blake moved a piece of hair out of my face. "Blake?"
"Alexis, I've told you I love you," Blake sighed. "The question is, do you love me?"
"Blake, I do love you," I nodded. "Since I've met you when I got out of the limo."

Blake's POV
I smiled and let out a sigh of relief. "That's great to know," I nodded. "Let's get you back to your room." Alexis nodded. I got dressed and we got in my car. I since get back to the house. "This is your stop."
"Yeah," Alexis sighed.
"Am I going to see you tomorrow?" I asked.
"I'm not missing your coronation for anything," Alexis smiled. "I'm going to be there even if I have to walk."
"You don't have to," I smiled and nodded. "There will be a carriage and I'll be on that carriage."
"I have to dress like I princess, don't I?" Alexis asked.
"Yeah, that is the dress code for a coronation," I smiled. She got out of the car. "I'll see you tomorrow."
"Bye Blake," she smiled.
I went back home and up to my room. I was getting my last tux fitting. "Mom, Dad," I sighed. "I have a new girlfriend."
"I always thought Savannah was a little clingy," Mom nodded. "Do we know who your new girlfriend is?"
"Kinda," I nodded. "Alexis..." My parents mouths dropped. "Just give her a chance."
"Do you remember what her and her friends did?" Dad asked.
"But you always told me to follow my heart and I did just that," I nodded. "I'm not going to go back on my words now."
"No, honey, your father is saying that you should just be careful," Mom assured.
"I am," I responded. "I surely am being very careful."

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