I hadn't seen Eddie in just under a month. His side of the bed had gone cold, his special tea mug was gathering dust, and I was growing restless. I missed him. FaceTiming and texting wasn't enough anymore. He couldn't wrap his arms around me or fall asleep next to me when he was in America and I stayed in England.
Finally, at 10 p.m a week prior to Eddie's return, I gave in. I selected Les Miserables on Netflix and relaxed into the couch. I wasn't trying to impress anyone, so I was clad in my sweatpants and cruneck sweater, and my hair was in a very messy bun at the crown of my head, my green glasses perched on my nose. Eddie finally came onto the screen an hour in. He was so handsome in his 1800s French clothing. And his voice. He had sung to me before, but not in a while.
It was a movie I had seen before, and I adored it in every way. The actors, some of which I had the pleasure of meeting, were all incredible. The music was amazing as were the costumes, too. It was one movie that never failed to make me cry. Éponine's death, Gavroche's death, and especially when Marius returns to the barricade.
There's a grief that can't be spoken.
There's a pain goes on and on.
Empty chairs at empty tables
Now my friends are dead and gone.I couldn't help but bawl. I was so pathetic. It didn't help that I was already fragile at the lack of Eddie in my life at the moment. I didn't even hear the door open and close again, or the approaching footsteps, and it wasn't until the weight shifted on the couch that I finally noticed Eddie sitting beside me.
Without thinking twice I wrapped my arms around his neck in a tight embrace, burying my head in his shoulder. "I thought you weren't back until next week!" I exclaimed, releasing his neck and moving my hands to his face. He opened his mouth to explain but I cut him off with a kiss. A kiss full of love and passion and everything I'd missed.
"Are you going to stop kissing me so I can explain?" he asked, grinning. I kissed him again quickly.
"Ok." I replied quietly. One more kiss. He chuckled.
"We were running ahead of schedule. Plus, my character dies towards the end, so I got let off early." he said, grinning and cupping my waist with his hands. His attention flickered to the T.V screen, and he looked at me disapprovingly.
"What! It's an amazing movie, and I missed you." I defended. He laughed and shook his head in disbelief.
"But it always makes you cry." he said with concern, his thumbs brushing my tears. I laughed sheepishly.
"It's worth the tears. It's so good, Eddie. And I wanted to hear your voice. You haven't sung for me in a while." I replied. He chuckled and wrapped his arm around me, and I rested my head against his chest.
"Well I'm here now," he said, kissing my head, "Would you like me to sing?" he asked. I nodded against him, and he started to sing. It was a familiar Neil Young song called Love and War that he knew I adored. His voice was soothing and perfect and not coming from a T.V or computer screen, which made it so much better. Eddie was beside me and he was real, and I fell asleep to the sound of his voice and the comfort that he would be there when I woke up.
Yo yo yoooo guess who's back! I watched Les Mis today and I've got another Eddie film queued up for tomorrow, and some fic ideas brewing so expect a few more coming at you. Les Mis is so incredible holy. And it's true, I cry every time. I can't help it. Empty Chair at Empty Tables gets me. And Gavroche. And Eponine. And Jean Valjean. Man. Also it's true I do love Neil Young. I have always wanted Eddie to sing to me jfc don't get me started. ANYWAY. Hope you enjoyed. THANK YOU FOR ALL THE READS HOLY SHIZA. I love each and every one of you. So does Eddie. He told me. (I wish). I'm really dragging out this authors note. Ok. Vote. Comment what you want!! Request things guys!! OVER AND OUT.

kisses and freckles (eddie redmayne oneshots)
Fanfictioni love eddie redmayne (a lot)