It was always fascinating to see my mom in her element. She was a film director, currently working on the second instalment of Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them. I always loved visiting her on set, watching the process behind the scenes and all the people who devoted so much into their craft.
I was good friends with my mom's assistant, Emily. It was her that I hung out with during takes, considering how busy my mom obviously was during this time. She took me to what she claimed to be the "best seat in the house", the rafters hanging from the ceiling above everything. We took a seat there, with our legs dangling over the edge of the bridge above everyone's heads. From here we could really see everything: the perfectly crafted sets, all the different forms of lighting, all the different cameras, all the different people milling about.
"That Eddie guy is really cute." Emily noted quietly as we watched the actor in question get finishing touches on his makeup before a scene. I hummed in agreement. His hair was adorably messy and fluffy, and he looked really good in his 30s style costume, but I knew he was out of my league. While he was there looking the way he did, I sat with my thick thighs and pudgy stomach.
Getting ready for his scene, Eddie rolled his neck in a stretch and caught my eye as he was looking up. He straightened out his neck and held eye contact, the hint of a nervous smile playing on his big lips, before someone called his name and he looked away as if woken from a trance. I knew he must've been looking at Emily.
"Are you still with us Eddie?" My mom was asking, "What are you looking at anywa- Girls! What the hell are you doing up there?"
We'd been spotted, and apparently it wasn't safe for us to be up there with our legs dangling and whatnot. I was being scorned like a child by my mother at the age of 30. Emily immediately erupted in a fit of apologies given my mom was her boss, but I just laughed as I came down. I met Eddie's eye again as I took a seat back stage, this time on ground level.
After the commotion had settled down, they started the scene, but Eddie seemed distracted the whole time. I often met his eye even while he was on camera. He'd be looking too long, and eventually my mom would have to call cut. He would then of course apologize profusely, stuttering over his words while his cheeks grew pink. It was adorable, but I felt somehow responsible for all his mishaps. Was my big stomach peeking out from my shirt again? Could he tell how uncomfortably tight my jeans were because of my big waist and thighs?
Eventually my mom called for a break, and Eddie approached me hesitantly. I was blushing before he even said anything.
"Hi, love. Um- I'm Eddie. I felt the need to come over and introduce myself but now that I'm here I realize I don't really have anything interesting to say." he stuttered, the tips of his ears burning red. I bit my lip to conceal how wide my smile would've been if I hadn't.
"I know who you are, Eddie." I laughed, "I'm Y/N. I'm a big fan of your work." Eddie laughed and shook his head slightly.
"Then I'll need to apologize. I haven't been on my game today. I keep messing up. I'm probably ruining the illusion for you, aren't I?" he laughed. I smiled and shook my head. "It's just- well, if I'm being quite blunt and honest, you are really lovely. Quite beautiful, honestly." he continued, his cheeks going a deeper red and his eyes blinking rapidly. I felt my face go hot as I looked at him, trying to conceal my disbelief.
"Me?" I laughed, "Eddie, that's nice of you, but..."
"But what?" he urged, still not going back on his words. I frowned.
"Well, I mean- I'm not. Lovely, I mean- or beautiful." I laughed nervously with disbelief. Eddie blinked back at me.
"What? Of course you are. What makes you say that?" he insisted. I shook my head, stomach knotting with embarrassment.
"Eddie, look at me. And then look at you. I'm not." I replied. Eddie stared back at me for a moment, mouth opening and closing as he tried to figure out what to say to me. Eventually he just shook his head and took a step closer to me, one hand boldly finding mine.
"Y/N- no offence, really, love, but you're so wrong. You are absolutely stunning. I was being totally embarrassing because I kept ogling back there and flubbing up my lines. Your beauty's going to cost me my job." he laughed. I laughed too, shaking my head and looking away. "See? Look at you- your eyes shining when you laugh and the crinkles in your nose when you do. And the flush on your freckled cheeks! And the little giggle- honestly, Y/N. You're killing me. And the fact that you don't already know this kills me more." he continued, making me swoon more with every word.
"No- no protests." He said with a small grin, cutting me off. "I'm going to take you on a date, alright? I'm going to take you on a date and I'm going to make you giggle and blush and make sure you know how beautiful you are. Ok, Y/N?" he said, swooping down to meet my eye. Behind us, someone called Eddie back to set. I bit my lip and met his gaze.
"Ok." I said softly. Eddie broke out into a wide smile.
"Yes? Ok?" he verified. I laughed gently and playfully pushed him away.
"Yes, Eddie, ok. Go act. I'm going to have to leave the room, it seems." I laughed. Eddie let out a small laugh too.
"Honestly, you might. I'll find you later, alright love?" he said, backing up. I smiled so wide that my cheeks hurt.
"Ok, Eddie." I said quietly. Eddie gave me one last smile, before turning back and going to set. He really thought I was beautiful.
I hope you guys liked this one!! It was requested on my Tumblr. You're all so beautiful and wonderful in your unique and incredible ways and you don't need an Eddie to tell you that (though I know, that'd be nice). I love you all!!

kisses and freckles (eddie redmayne oneshots)
Fanfictioni love eddie redmayne (a lot)