London was beautiful, and I didn't mind the rain. The buildings were wonderfully full of history, the streets were clean and the air was fresh. After nearing 2 years, I had made it my home. I had good friends, and a boyfriend making his mark on the cinematic world, Eddie Redmayne. Things were going really well.
I knew I shouldn't have gotten too comfortable.
There was a problem with my international student visa. I got the call when I was with Eddie. Normally, I'd ignore my phone when I was with him, but he insisted that it could've been an emergency, so I answered.
"This is an authorized automated message for Y/N Y/L/N from the Immigration Offices of England:" a robotic voice came through, "Due to missing and/or incomplete paperwork, your international student visa has been rejected. You are scheduled for a meeting on the first Monday of the next month, and will then have two months to pack your things and leave the country. Thank you for your cooperation."
Eddie watched my face pale, and then turn angry as I shouted back at the robot, "You are certainly not welcome! Let me talk to a real person! You can't just kick me out of the country!"
Eddie stood quickly and made his way over to me, concern etched across his features as he gently took the phone away from me, tossing it onto the couch and taking my wrists. "Love, love- what happened? Who's kicking you out of the country?" He asked softly. I tore away from his grasp and ran my hands through my hair in frustration.
"The Immigration Offices of England." I muttered, watching the despair take over his face, quickly masked.
"We'll figure it out." He said sternly.
"Apparently I have incomplete or missing paperwork. I have a meeting with them on the first Monday of the next month, whenever that is. Then I have two months to leave." I said quietly. "I don't want to leave, Eddie. I don't want to leave you."
"And you won't. We will figure something out, Y/N. I will not lose you because of some god forsaken visa." He said, taking a step towards me and taking my face in his hands. His thumb brushed across my cheekbone as he looked at me seriously and lovingly. "We'll figure something out."
"What is there to figure out, Eddie? I'm being deported! They're going to force me out of the country, I don't have a say in this!" I exclaimed. Eddie knit his eyebrows together in thought.
"Well- the meeting! You can fix the paperwork at the meeting, or- or convince them, or something. They wouldn't schedule a meeting if they didn't want to discuss it with you. Maybe there's been a mistake!" He cried. I shook my head and stepped away when he tried to approach me.
"The Immigration Offices of England don't make mistakes, Eddie. The meeting is probably just to explain it, or something- I don't know." I said in defeat, pacing for a moment and punching the bridge of my nose. "I don't think I can do a long distance relationship either, Eddie." I said quietly, not facing him.
"What? Y/N- just wait-"
"I'm being kicked out of the country, Eddie. And I- I love you, Eddie, with everything in me, but you living here while I live back in Canada, only seeing you during the holidays for a couple days and then on FaceTime or something- I can't do that. It'll hurt too much, Eddie. I can't."
"I travel all the time for acting, Y/N, we could meet up wherever it is I'm filming."
"And get in the way? Only see you between takes? Not to mention I can't afford travelling out to Orlando or New York every other month- I'm here on a scholarship, Eddie." I explained, the lump in my throat growing with every shot down idea. It just wouldn't work.

kisses and freckles (eddie redmayne oneshots)
Fanfictioni love eddie redmayne (a lot)