Sleeping was something that had been hard to come by recently. Usually a stomach sleeper, I was contemplating carving out part of the mattress to allow room for my baby bump to fit in so that I could sleep properly. Not only that, but the baby seemed to be nocturnal, always kicking and hiccuping just as I was about to drift off. Pretty often I'd still be up by the time Eddie was dozing peacefully beside me in bed, and so I'd turn on the T.V in our bedroom, sneaking glances at Eddie and how the lights and colours of the T.V created shadows across his freckled face.
Hormones were also a thing I had to deal with during these late nights, which often included crying at the most simple of things. Like the HGTV show Fixer Upper. I just thought Joanna and Chip were so adorable, and would pretty much always have to flip it to the Food Network instead when I felt the tears coming up. Except, as the clock rounded to 3 a.m, the Food Network for some reason decided to play an episode of completely desserts. A solid 30 minute show of dripping chocolate over cakes and creating delicate swirls of icing. God, those cakes. I couldn't stop thinking about how good those cakes looked, and how delicious the cakes specifically from our local grocery store were. The grocery stores were open 24 hours...
Without being able to think logically, only hungrily, I quietly crawled out of bed and changed from my nightie into sweat pants and one of Eddie's shirts that was even too big for him to fit over the swell of my stomach. The only tricky thing left were the keys being inside of Eddie's discarded jeans. His belt was still around the waist of the jeans, and the keys were loud and jingly as I tried to get them out. I winced as I heard a confused, sleepy noise coming from Eddie. Trying to ignore how absolutely adorable and ruffled he looked, I quietly shushed him. "Go back to sleep. You're, uh, dreaming." I whispered. Eddie managed to chuckle, rubbing his eyes and sitting up. He winced against the light as he turned on his bedside lamp.
"What are you doing with my pants in the middle of the night, love?" he asked, his voice thick with sleep. I laughed gently.
"I'm uh, trying to get the keys." I replied. His confusion only furthered.
"Wh-why do you need the keys? Where are you going?" he asked. I ran a hand over the curve of my belly absentmindedly.
"I need some cake." I said.
"You need some cake? Sit down, love, why do you need cake in the middle of the night? Are you hungry?" he asked, patting the spot of the bed next to him. I didn't sit.
"No- yes, I don't know. I just need some cake right now I saw this Food Network show where they were-"
"You know you should never watch the Food Network, darling. You always do things like this after watching the Food Network." he chastised with a fond, sleepy smile. I gave him a look.
"It's not just that. I just really want cake, Eddie." I replied.
"We've got some biscuits in the cupboard. Have some of those. Why cake?" he asked, rubbing his face.
"I just- you know those really gross, cheap cakes they have at the grocery store?" I asked. Eddie nodded. "I need one. Like- now, Eddie. I'm just going to zip out and get one and eat it and then I'll come back to bed. Just go back to sleep, okay?" I said sweetly, kissing him on the head and brushing some of his bedhead away from his eyes. Eddie laughed and threw the covers off of him, standing up and giving me a gentle kiss.
"I'll drive. Let's go get you some cake, alright?" he whispered. My eyes lit up at this, and I kissed him again.
"Okay." I said, suppressing a grin as Eddie threw his jeans on and ran a hand through his hair before taking my hand and leading me to the car.
I always loved car rides during the night, especially when I don't have to drive. The passing street lights and calmness on roads that were usually busy, even the slightly sketchy empty parking lot as we pulled up to the store.
The grocery store was deserted save the cashier and a bored security guard, but even then I got rather self conscious of my (read: Eddie's) stained t-shirt and my baggy sweatpants. I didn't even want to think about my hair, but Eddie assured me I looked "adorable as always" when I voiced these concerns. Eddie looked adorable himself, really, as he lead me through the florescent lights of the store to the back where they kept the cakes in the bakery section. His usually messy hair was even messier than usual, sticking up in all sorts of directions. He still had a sleepy look about him, and when he smiled or when he just pulled away from a kiss he kept his eyes shut a little longer, like he was still asleep before he opened them and I could see that one thing that always looked bright and lively were the dancing flakes of gold in his kaleidoscopic eyes.
We picked out the grossest, cheapest cake with white icing and the words Happy Birthday written across it with small balloons. It looked just like the other cakes they had on display, and came in a cheap flimsy plastic container. It was completely store-made, awful for you, and perfect. I made sure to grab two plastic forks from the display.
The cashier, a young teenager, looked at the two of us fondly as we giggled and whispered in each other's ears. She didn't question our motives or try to make strange small talk in the middle of the night, for which I was immensely grateful.
Under the soft orange light of the parking lot, Eddie popped open the trunk of the car and laid out a blanket we kept in the backseat for us to sit on, legs dangling over the edge as we popped open the plastic container and he handed me a fork with a grin. We dove right in, without cutting pieces or putting them on plates we didn't have, giggling as we got icing everywhere but in our mouths.
"Has your strange pregnancy craving been officially sated?" Eddie asked with a laugh. I nodded, a mouthful of cake, and gave him the best smile I could muster.
"Absolutely. Thanks for taking me to get cake in the middle of the night." I replied. Eddie shook his head and laughed.
"Don't mention it, love. You've got a little icing on your nose."
Guys this turned out way cuter than expected. Hope you thought so too!! Ily

kisses and freckles (eddie redmayne oneshots)
Fanfictioni love eddie redmayne (a lot)