Seven: Late Night Diner Shift

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 I was taking a slow sip of my coffee, feeling numbly tired and staring into the distance when the little bell on the door trickled. I could hear footsteps approaching the bar of the diner I worked at, but couldn't tear myself out of my trance until the customer cleared his throat. Finally, I looked up and met a pair of kaleidoscopic eyes that seemed to smile, creating creases around the corners.

"I'm sorry. Welcome to Peggy's, take a seat wherever you'd like." I said, gesturing to the empty restaurant of 60s inspired booths. The smile reached his big lips and he took a seat on one of the red stools of the bar. "Can I get you something?" I asked, stifling a yawn. He chuckled gently.

"Earl Grey tea, if you have any please." he replied. He had an attractive English accent, catching my attention. I nodded absentmindedly and went back into the kitchen, observing the eerily familiar customer from the window into the diner as the kettle boiled. He had sandy brown-ginger hair and freckles across his handsome face, and wore a slightly damp trench coat over a blue, knit sweater and light jeans. The kettle suddenly whistled, and his eyes darted over and met with mine.

I looked away quickly and focused on pouring his tea. Once poured, I brought it out and set it before him, avoiding eye contact. "Sorry to bother you, love. Do you have any milk or sugar?" he asked just as I was about to turn back to the kitchen. I looked up at him briefly to see the corners of his mouth turned slightly up as I played with the sheets of paper in my hand. It was my script, for the play I was auditioning for the following morning. I set down the script on the bar and nodded quickly, anxious for this mysteriously familiar, good looking customer to leave so I could practice.

I returned to the kitchen and went back out moments later with sugar and milk, only to find his eyes skimming over the script I had left on the table. I set the things in front of him and he jumped slightly, eyes darting away from the papers. "Oh god, I'm.. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to pry. It's just- is that a script? Are you in some sort of play?" he stuttered. I didn't reply for a moment, only looked back at him inquisitively. "The reason I'm asking, is, well, I'm an actor myself so- I don't know. I was just.. wondering. Sorry." he elaborated. Then it clicked, and I pointed excitedly.

"Stephen Hawking!" I blurted. He sat back a little and looked at me with a slight chuckle.

"Stephen Hawking. Um, alright. Wonderful man." he replied, laughing. I chuckled embarrassedly.

"Sorry. You were in that Stephen Hawking biopic, weren't you? The Theory of Everything, was it?" I asked, trying to contain my excitement. Eddie Redmayne. The name finally came to mind. Eddie smiled.

"I was, yeah." he said.

"That was an excellent movie. Wow, truly, I mean-, yeah. Well done." I said in astonishment. The acting had been incredible. A blush creeped over his freckles and he smiled.

"Thank you. I'm Eddie." he said, extending his hand towards me. I shook it and smiled back.

"Lucinda." I introduced. He smiled, lines folding around his full lips.

"Lucinda... How would you feel if I asked you to coffee tomorrow? To swap acting tips, of course." he asked with a grin. I smiled and looked up at him through my eyelashes as I gathered my script.

"Delighted." I replied, making his smile widen.

"Perfect. Meet you at Java's at 4?" he suggested. I nodded, not trusting myself to speak. He smiled. "See you then."

Heyoooo! This one's a lil different from my other ones... some meetcute for ya. Enjoy! xoxo

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