"Love, that isn't something you can say on live television. Don't you understand that I have people looking up to me now? Relying on me? Actually watching the red carpet interviews I do? There are repercussions to what is said now." Eddie insisted, looking intently into my eyes, hands gripping my shoulders. He had pulled me aside to a secluded hallway at the event we were at, just after I had made a stupid, inappropriate joke on the red carpet. And he was talking to me like I was a child. I scowled and brushed off his hands, taking a few steps away.
"You don't think I know that? You don't think the exact same is happening to me, too? People look up to me, rely on me, watch my interviews too. And I still say stupid stuff. Because despite all that, I am actually human, Eddie." I replied. The way he had said it sounded like I wouldn't know what it was like to be under the public eye. I was an actor, too. I knew exactly what it was like.
"I never said you didn't know, Y/N- I'm saying people who watch your interviews and whatnot expect you to say stuff like that, but not the people who watch my interviews. Don't you understand where I'm coming from?" he said exasperatedly, taking a few steps towards me, fancy shoes clicking on the marble tiles.
"Quit talking to me like I'm a child, Eddie. And what, people expect me to say stupid, inappropriate jokes? Is that it? I'm just a big joke to people?" I replied. Eddie threw his arms up in exasperation.
"I'll stop talking to you like you're a child when you stop acting like one!" he snapped. I took a step back in surprise. My mouth, which was open to reply, snapped shut. I shot him a glare, gathering up the skirt of my long violet dress, and made my way into the event, heels clicking.
It was an awards show, and the theatre was filled with large round tables covered in white cloth. Famous people milled about, taking photos and sipping champagne while they waited for the event to start. Eddie and my seats were side by side, at a table full of the cast of the movie both of us had starred in. I was nominated for Best Actress, Eddie was Best Supporting Actor. Alongside us at the table and in the movie were Alicia Vikander, Michael Fassbender, Adrien Brody and Willem Dafoe. Eddie, who came in slightly after me, sat on my left while Alicia sat on my right.
"Eddie, Y/N, can we get a photo?" a photographer for the event approached our table, camera in hand. I smiled at him and stood, nodding politely. I could see Eddie casting me nervous glances from the corner of my eye, but I refused to look at him. His arm tentatively found my waist and we both smiled like nothing was wrong. Where the dress cut low to expose my bare skin, Eddie still raised goosebumps into my skin as his thumb traced circles on the curve of my lower back. As soon as the photographer was finished and thanked us, I slid out of his embrace and back into my seat. What was supposed to be a subtle move didn't go unnoticed by Alicia, however, who raised an eyebrow at me curiously, eyes darting to Eddie who was looking at me concernedly.
"We had a bit of a row." I whispered to Alicia, who nodded understandingly.
"What better place to be in a fight!" Alicia replied sarcastically. I raised my eyebrows and took a sip of the champagne that had been put in front of me.
Soon enough, the event was in full swing and awards were being handed out, many going to the movie Eddie and I were in. When Best Supporting Actor was up, and Eddie's name was called, he slipped a kiss to my cheek before going up on stage.
"I'd like to dedicate this award to my wife, Y/N, who is currently mad at me because I said something incredibly stupid, which I've learned people do, but whom I love with all my heart anyway. What a talented, beautiful woman, whom I had the pleasure of working alongside for this film and who raised my game beyond what I thought possible. Y/N, I love you, I'm sorry, and I know you'll forgive me eventually but hopefully you can do that now? Um- that would be great, really. Thank you so much, everybody." he said into the microphone from the stage, holding his award proudly and scanning the audience before focusing on me again. I pursed my lips to fight a grin, standing up to meet him as he came back to the table.
"You're still dumb." I said as I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him sweetly, the room erupting in cheers as it was obvious that I forgave him.
"I know. And I am sorry." he replied, smiling gently as he looked at me, his hands on my jaw.
"Yeah, yeah. Congratulations, by the way." I grinned. Eddie kissed me quickly, his grin spreading.
"Thank you, love."
By the end of the night, the two of us had both taken home an award, and in the interviews afterword we both made a complete fool of ourselves, and we were happy.