Adopted By 5 IDIOTS

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My name is Jazmin and I am 12yrs old. I have been in this orphanage since I was 5. I'm 5'5 and have brown eyes with black hair that reaches my waist. I only tell my secrets to my journal that I don't let anyone touch except for me.

I turned around to see know one was there I got up from my bed to brush my teeth. After I finished I heard the lady from the front desk coming to my room and saying "shes right in here boys" BOYS?!?! are you serious??? She opened the door and told me that I was being adopted. I wanted to ask why the fuck me...but that would be rude. I went up to the door the see five boys and I already knew who they were it was one direction. I asked myself why me (I'm not a big fan of them but I like some there songs) I looked up to see all five boys smiling at me with my stuff in their hands. We were at the front desk heading out the door I felt like running for but I thought it was no use so I just followed the boys into their black S.U.V. I was sitting with my face looking towards the window until one of the boys starts whispering "is she asleep already?" I turned to face them and said, " no I'm wide awake". After what said they started to introduce them self one by one. The one with curly hair said his name was Harry. The one with the Irish accent said he was Naill.

the other person sitting next to Niall was Zayn. Then the other Liam and then finally Louis. By the time we get to their flat I was really excited to see the place but I don't why. When I was walking towards the flat I almost fell but I stopped myself. When we got inside Niall showed me my room I thought it was nice except FOR THE PINK PAINT ON THE WALLS! I turned around and asked Niall if they could change the pink on the walls to blue. "Alright will do that 2moro okay." Niall asked me I nodded in excitement but then got hungry.

I stayed in my room and put my clothes away and went to sleep.


I walked to a room with only a small window on one of the walls. As I was there I heard laughing from my previous "parent" I heard him saying "stupid girl no one will love no matter how hard you try and how nice you are". Then he can behind me and pushed me to the floor and started hitting me continuously no matter how loud I screamed from the pain.

~~end of dream~~

I woke up with tears in my eyes and sweat coming from my forehead. I heard a knock on my door and went to open it and saw all five boys there with a smile on their faces. I looked at them like if they've gone mad. As they came in Zayn said "We are going shoping for your new clothes!" I looked at them for a while then I

asked "is it okay if I just stay here??" Louis said"okay just tell us your size in shirts and pants and we will leave you here with Niall." "okay I am a size 2 in pants and a small in shirts" I said in a shy voice. They said "alright will be in a bit!!" I can tell they were getting excited to choose my new clothes for me so I smiled and waved good bye.

Adopted By 5 IDIOTSWhere stories live. Discover now