I'm a Starstruck Preteen!

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"I'm different yeah I'm different, please switch this song before I bust it~" "Ha punny Jazmin very punny" "Hey I'm trying to be creative here and your killing my freaking vibe GooglyBear" "Isn't it my job? You know as your Mom you should freaking have more respect for me god dammit" "Uh...do you two need to be separated?" "Pfff...no" Huffing I lowered the window just a bit letting the cool morning air rush at my face making me even colder than before, "Are you excited love?" "Heck yeah I mean it's not everyday you get to have one of your wildest dreams come true Harry" "True just don't let the fame and publicity get to you" "When has it? Harry I could honestly careless of what those cake face show host think of me, because I am me and no one can change that. Just you know except for Ellen I like her show. And Oprah Winfrey." "You watch their shows?!" "Yes...don't judge!"

"Are we there yet I'm hungry you know" "Crystal we've only been in the car for five minutes..." "And? Did we eat? No. So it's not my fault sir"

---TIME freaking SKIP---

"Now Jazmin I understand your very excited about this opportunity you are about to experience, but I need to let you know that we have to get rid of that label 'Starstruck Trouble Maker' they have for you as soon as possible" "Nah, it's alright Simon. They can label me all they want I won't really care" "This is bad for your image Jazmin. If we don't do this soon who knows what they'll think about you" "And? It's not like they'll freaking hit me. What do you want me to do Simon? Try to make amends with that, that jackass who thought he could betray me and get away with it?! That same person that tried to say he 'popped my cherry'?! If that's what it takes to be the squeaky clean person you call a Celebrity then forget I ever came to agree!"

"Jazmin your over reacting-" "No. No I'm not Simon. You haven't been in my shoe's you haven't seen the crap I went threw, and even if you could see in my point of view you wouldn't come back the same...

So telling me that I have to be someone I'm not upsets me, because that means if I agree I'm walking out with a mask strapped on my face once more"

Huffing I shoved the chair roughly back in it's place and headed towards the door, "Fine. Fine Jazmin have your way then, your one stubborn girl aren't you?" Ear's perked up I smiled running back to the desk I jumped to him hugging him tightly, "Thankyouthankyouthankyou!!" "Your...welcome" Letting go I scanned the contract once more 'I can do this' signing those simple two words my heart skipped a beat. This is it, it's done, my dream is becoming reality. Sniffling tears began trickling down my hardly recognizable tanned skin quickly wiping them away before anyone could notice and headed out from Simon's office. "What did he say love?!" Letting my grin widen even more than it should have been I threw my hands in the air "It's a deal! It's a deal done good!"

My life is going to be different.

I promise Mom, Crystal, everyone who's been there for me.

I swear I'll bring back the love and support you've given me all these year's, I'll repay every single one of you.

I know I'm young and may seem like the last person you'd want to hear this from but believe me when I say this, I may look young but I pack one hell of a fight.

End of Book One

Don't kill me! I swear, I'm making a sequel at this very moment! ^^ What you think I was going to be that mean? Psh, child I don't have the heart.

Haha, so yeah this is the end...and I'm sorry this book was probably not much up to your expectations but hey I'm a beginner, and believe me the day I decided to post this up was because of my best friend. She's the one that has been encouraging me to take the huge leaps in life and I wouldn't have made this if it wasn't for her pushing me around so much~

Yeah I know your reading this right now GooglyBear!

And all of you potatoes too! If this book never reached this many reads then I would have thrown it down the gutter! So Thank you all!

Anyway the next book shall be up maybe next week on Saturday? The latest Sunday? But for sure soon because my creativity is like flowing down a waterfall for that book.

Have a great day! -J

Ps. Sorry these last two chapters have been so dreadfully short, but I was too excited to wait any longer!

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