Oh a Joy It Is!!!

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*Jazmins pov*

I woke up to a beautiful scream! How nice! My lord its Monday I don't like Mondays they suck butt bad. I walked down stairs not noticing the time but I'm guessing it was supper early because no one was up. I looked up at the the cable box and it was 4:40 am. That's the earliest I have ever woken up in my entire life!!! I went and plopped myself down on the couch not knowing what to do so freaking early in the God damn morning!

After a few minutes later I heard someone slam a door shut. Me being a curious person shout out "Who is it!" A deep voice whispered yelled at me saying "Hush up your gonna wake everyone up child." I sighed and nodded then went to give Harry a pain killer with a cup of water to go along with it as well. He practically shoved the pill down and chugged the water down his throat. I laughed and said "Told you not to drink too much but do you listen to me nope." He shoved me playfully and told me "Go get dressed we have to go get you signed up for school." I groaned and shuffled my way down stairs man I completely forgot about school!

I went up to my closet and choose a plain white T-shirt then grabbed a pair of normal skinny jeans. Put those on and then slipped on my chuck tailor high tops. I ran to the bathroom brushed my teeth then my hair once I was done I then said "OK! let's go so I can get this over with please!" Everyone came down stairs dressed in their usual clothes and went outside. Niall came down last and handed me a backpack. I smiled and told him thanks and we both headed outside. I sat in the front with Liam while everyone was in the back.

"Hey Jazmin! can you hand me your bag real fast please! " I nodded and handed it to Louis then a couple seconds of later got it back. I searched around to see if he did anything to it and sure enough he did. On the little pocket of the bag he wrote in big letters "1D'S LITTLE GIRL!" I sighed and told him "God damn it Louis why you do this to ME!" He chuckled and shouted "WE'RE HERE LET'S GO!!" I smiled when I saw the school it was the same one Crystal went to I remember she had told me when we texted. We walked inside of the main building and people started to stare I hate it so much it bothers me. I felt like I needed to yell out 'WHAT ARE YOU LOOKING AT' but I kept my mouth shut and hid myself behind Harry and Niall. I held onto each of their arms tightly and continued to walk.

We made it to the Main Office and a lady greeted us. Her eyes kinda widened once realizing that we were famous mostly my dad's though. She smiled a toothy smile and asked "What can I help you with sirs?" Liam answered "Yes we would like to register our daughter here please." She nodded and asked for my name oh boy here we go. "Jazmin Marie PayneMalikStylesHoranTomilson" She kinda laughed at how long my last name was but I couldn't careless of what she thought. Soon after that she handed me my new schedule and I waved goodbye to the lads and started walking to homeroom. It took a while to find the damn room but I found it!

I knocked on the door and the teacher opened it then welcomed me in. She told me to stand in front of the class so I can introduce myself. She said "Alright class we have a new student today will you all please hush so she can introduce herself!" It got quite fast so I said "Hi my name is Jazmin and yeah whatever..." the teacher told me to go sit next to some kid named Kyle. He looked pretty cute if I say so myself he had blue eyes like Niall and dirty blonde hair a little bit if a tan and a pretty toned body. Jesus what the crap am I saying! I sat down and suddenly got scared because Kyle was talking to me I guess.

"Hey new chick? you there?? " I got out of my gaze and told him "Yeah yeah sorry God!" I laughed and asked "So um...I was wondering if you gotta boyfriend? I mean yeah that..." I nodded no and told him "Why do you want to even know? I barley met you today."

He sighed and said "Chill I was only asking. By the way can I see your schedule?" I Passed it to him he glimpsed at it real fast then crumbled it up to a ball. I told him "Why the fuck did you do that?" He smiled and simply said "Just stick with me we have the same classes don't worry." I groaned then the bell rang meaning that first period was starting in a few minutes. Kyle took my hand and practically dragged me along with him. I tried to let go a few times but his grip would only get tighter around my hand.

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