Jazmins Super Secret JOURNAL! time

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*in Jazmin's mind*

Fuck... ugh I'm so sorry I neglected you! Your like my baby okay let's see what I could write in you. It's between what's happened this month or...my thoughts which I'm kinda doing already.. THOUGHTS IT IS!!! So as you can see I'm in a relationship yeah.. it's hard you have to do all these things you probably never have done before! He's my first kiss to I thought I should tell you that.. you probably hate me Cuz I didn't tell you the same day but WHATEVER! at least I told you.

The guys... or my dad's I guess treat me good like their a bunch of goofs with good hearts. Harry is a pretty good cook but not as good as me so to speak. Liam is like mine and everyone's else's boss in the house so he maintains my hyperactiveness most of the time. Louis he's like the class clown in my book he makes me laugh quite alot. Naill... I honestly think he's like me in a way we have the same habits and food..I smell it... back on track now well he's an older boy version of me right now at least.

And Zayn... I'm not so sure about him were kind of distant but I do know for sure I like to bug the hell out of him! Well schools a drag .... OH!I found crystal!!!! we go to the same school now and she's adopted to a good person too in happy we're back together even though the teachers don't like it when we sit together because we never do anything but talk and talk mostly laugh. But hey I'm still getting A's and B's on report cards. Well that's all I have right now... this was supposed to be on thoughts but I guess I'll leave it as catching up with you I hope your safe and happy I hope you haven't forgotten about me yet..

                 I love you :),


(a/n: Well I did this segment because I wanted to see how it goes I've been thinking about doing thus for a while now... and TADA!!! here it is!! so let me know if you like it or not so I can continue with this! Toodles for now! ~J)

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