Going To BOXING!!!

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*still Jazmins p.o.v.*

I woke up to whispering so I had a feeling something was gonna happen. So I opened up my eyes just a bit and saw Louis and Harry with a bucket of ice. They turned around and I used that as my advantge I quietly got out of bed and creeped tworads them. They still havent notice me so.they put the bucket on the floor. Ohh there so gonna regert that I bent down and grabbed the bucket. I tucked it under my arm and grabbed a couple of ice cubes in my other hand. I put the bucket on my bed and put two ice cubes in each hand. I crept up behind them and slid the ice cubes down thier shirts. "AHHHH ITS SO COLD!!!" They both yelled. "hahahahahahahaha!!! Never ever under estimate me!!!!" "JAZMIN!!" Harry said. I quickly grabbed the bucket of ice and shouted "DONT COME CLOSER IM ARMED!!!" They laughed so i threw some ice cubes at them and some slid down thier shirts.

I ran down stairs and saw Liam and Niall at the table. I ran behind Niall and told him "dont say a word that i am here!!" He looked at me and nodded Liam asked me "wat did you do love?" I looked at him and said " well you see I kinda ruinend Harrys and Louis's plan on "waking me up" so I put ice cubes down thier shirts and now their after me!!" He sighed and rolled his eyes while Niall laughed and said " very clever love!!" And continued laughing.

After a while of hiding they stopped and gave up. Haha!! I win!! Anyways I went up stairs and brushed my teeth and hair and went to my huge closet and picked out some gold skinny jeans and a black shirt. Then I went to my dwares and got my knickers and bras....heyy how did they know my bra size is a 36c?!?! Then I went and changed in the bathroom after that I got my black socks and chuck taliors and slipped them on. I ran down stairs and sang out " I've been patiently wiating for a track to explode on you can stunn if you want and your ass will get rolled on. It feels like my flows been hot for so long if you think im a fucking fall off your so wrong!!" Zayn looked at me and said "No CUSSING UNTIL YOUR EIGHTEEN!!" I looked at him and said "sorry!!" He came up to me and kissed my forehead and said "its okay love just dont do it agian" I nodded and went to the kitchen and saw Liam, Niall, Louis, and Harry all bunched up and they smiled at me and Liam said "love we have a suprise for you!" I smiled and said "wat is??" They looked at each other and nodded and they pulled out boxes from behind thier backs they were all wrapped up and had bows on it. I smiled a real smile showing my dimples and harry said " ohh look she has dimples like me!!!" I laughed at his coment and they each handed thier presents. I asked them " how come you bought me these??" They said " its a welcome home presents." I said "oh" and opend up Liams first and hes was an iphone 4s and an ipod!! I looked at him and gave him a kiss on the cheek and said "THANK YOU!" And then sat on Nialls lap. I then opened up Louis's it was beats by dre ear phones and a.....bra with....his...face on it. I told him "really louis really???" And i smiled and gave him a kiss on the cheek and said "thank you" and sat back down on Niall. Then I opened up Harry's and it was a laptop and a psp go with little big planet and a soccer game. I looked at him and smiled showing my dimples and he did to and I yelled out loud " FINALY I GET TO UNLEASH MY GAMING SIDE!!" And then gave him a kiss on the cheek. And I sat on Niall and opened up his present and it was a soccer ball and a foot ball!!! I quickly opened up the soccer ball and got off of Niall and started kicking the ball up in the air. I heard Niall say " I guess you really like sports!" I nodded and ran up to him and said thank you and kissed him on the cheek and then yelled out " I'm a be out side playing american foot ball if you wanna join me go ahead!!"

I went out side and threw the foot ball up in the air and then I heard Harry say " throw the ball to me!" I looked at him and said " alrighty!!" and threw it at him he caught it and he said "go long shorty!!" I ran towrds the fence looking back and I had to litteraly jump in the air to catch it once I did I fell on my butt and said " I CAUGHT IT!!!"

*Harrys p.o.v.*

I never knew Jazmin had a sports side. "im a be outside playing american football if you wanna join me go ahead!!" I looked at her as she went to the back yard then went with her so she wont have to play alone. Niall said he was gonna join us in a bit so yeah itll just be us for right now. I went outside and yelled out "throw the ball to me!" As she did I noticed she was left handed and she throws pretty darn good. I caught the ball and said "go long shorty!!" She looked at me then ran i threw the ball a bit to high for her but thats okay. While she was running she had to jump and she caught it mid air!!! She fell on her bum and said "I CAUGHT IT!!!" And i ran to her and picked her up and said "you play really good!" And carried her to the house.

*Jazmin p.o.v.*

Ahhh my butt hurts Harry put me down and I kinda limped to my room to change for boxing. I bumped into Zayn and landed on my butt AGAIN! He said " sorry love I did not see you there!" And he lifted me up I told him "its alright" and he sighed in relief. I got to my room and found some black sweat shorts and a gray tanktop i went to my drawers and looked for my sports bra's...and seriously how did they find out my bra size?!?! I quickly changed and then put on my shoes and ran down stairs. I went down stairs to see Louis doing something to my phone and went up to him and asked "wat are you doing?" He looked at me and said " i am just putting are numbers on your contact list and adding tiwtter to your phone." I looked at him and asked "wats a twitter?" He *gasped* and said " well its a thing where you came post random stuff or wat your doing and you can follow people on here too." I looked at the app and said "ohhhh...let me see!" He gave me my phone and I made my self an account and it called 'jazzy1D'sbaby' i did not come up with that name Louis did. Anyway i followed Louis,Niall,Liam,Zayn,and Harry. They quickly followed me back and as soon as that happend I got over 2000 followers. And then I checked the time and it was 6:15 wich means i gotz to go to boxing!! I yelled out loud "LETS GO IM GONNA BE LATE!!!" All the boys came running down stairs and said "alright lets go!" I ran to the car and dropped the duffle bag on the front seat and said "SHOT GUN!!" And quickly got inside.

Louis and Niall were in the back and Harry and Zayn were in the middle row. I was in the passenger seat and Liam was driving. We were in the car for 20min and we finally got there and I ran inside with them following me the guy said "name please?" I looked at Liam and he said "Jazmin PanyeMalikStyelsHoranTomilson" the guy looked at me like I was crazy. So he said "just go over there and some one will help you." I nodded and started walking then the lads said " GOOD LUCK!!" I smiled and then I heard some girls scream " ITS ONE DIRECTION!!!" They started running towrds them and one of them gave me a look and said "ohh its that one chick that came out on tv with my Niall you little whore I bet you already banged all of them." The lads were shocked at wat she said I just laughed and siad " listen here cake face if I were you I would keep my god damn mouth shut cuz one you dont even know who the fuck I'am two no one is yours and if you were Nialls I swear I would be so sorry for him cuz hes my dad and I would not want a mother who is a slut like you!! So never ever under estimate your enemy pendeha!" She gasped and she grabed my hair and she punched me in the face it didnt hurt so I kicked the side of her knee and she fell to the ground and I said to her " like I said before never under estimate your enimey" and I walked out of the boxing place and decided to take a walk.

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