Chapter 4: How Cute

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M'gann's POV

Conner's fingers entwined with mine, and I looked in his direction. He was smiling ear to ear. And for some reason, so was I.

"M'gann!" A voice called me. "M'gann!" This time I was shaken violently. My eyes snapped open, revealing Artemis' dark face leaning over me.

"Why are you waking me so early? Or late?" I whispered, something automatic when it was dark.

"Come with me," she muttered, grabbing my hand. A last glance at the clock told me it was one thirty in the morning.

We peered around a wall to see Aqualad's hand on Rocket's should. I gasped internally, creating a psychic link between the archer and I.

Link established, I thought, making her jump practically six feet off ground. What do you think is going on?

I don't know, she thought, but I can smell some serious chemistry going on here.

Let me get a closer look. I turned myself invisible and moved forward. They were both standing in the kitchen, so I took a seat at the sofa.

"Ohio tomorrow, huh?" Aqualad said awkwardly. He doesn't know how to flirt! I thought to Artemis. I looked back and saw her nodding.

"Yup..." Rocket replied somewhat non-chalantly, swinging her arms nervously.

"It's gonna be fun." Wow.

"Yup..." Wow again.

"Were your parents robbers?" I gasped. In my thoughts of course. "Because they must have stolen the stars and put them in your eyes." I wiped my forehead. Phew.

Rocket placed her arms around his neck. They looked at each other for a while before Jackson leaned in.

I turned around, deciding this was none of my business. I saw Artemis had left too. With one last glance, I saw Kaldur sitting on the sofa, Rocket with her legs propped over his thighs and her arms around his neck, her head resting on his chest. How cute.

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