Chapter 5: Keeping the Secret

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Conner's POV

I yawned wide and stretched my arms, hitting them on a wall. I grunted quietly, not to wake anyone else. I sat up fast only to smack into a ceiling.

"Ugh..." I rubbed the spot where my head had made contact with the top of the RV. I swore I could feel a bump.

I remembered we were still in Roy's home town of Star City, but in a mall parking lot before the highway.

We were going to Ohio today. I had volunteered to drive, and I think Aqualad trusted me with his bus.

Looking out the window, I saw it was dawn. I turned my head to observe the clock. 3:19 am. I folded up my bed so Rocket wouldn't hit her head when she got up, but she wasn't there.

I decided to get a head start on the driving so we could be far when everyone woke up. I turned to the room at the opposite end of the recreational vehicle to ask Aqualad for the keys, but something stopped me in my tracks. I caught my breath.

Kaldur'Ahm sat on the couch with Raquel's legs propped over his thighs and her head on his chest. I felt a stab of pain in my heart as I instantly thought of Megan.

I finally concluded to wake them. They jolted awake at the same time. I guess they had a connection. Cute.

The water hero got a worried look on his face. "You haven't told the others about this, have you, Conner?"


"Okay!" he sighed in relief. "We're saving the announcement for later today." I nodded. "So what do you need so early?"

"I'm getting a head start on the driving. Can I have the keys?" I asked politely. I was eager to get on the road.

"Sure," he agreed simply, and Rocket took that as a cue to detach herself from him. The female protegé strolled sleepily to her bunk under mine and flopped down, beginning to snore.

Aqualad grabbed the keys in the front seat and tossed them to me. I caught them and they jingles a bit as I caught them.

"Thanks," I said quietly, walking over to the seat in the front of the bus and started the ignition. I drove out the mall parking lot and onto the highway.

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