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           I stay put by the doors, watching Peter walk into the Weapons Room. He stops, suddenly. He drops his gun to the floor, and moves his hand around like he's explaining something. I'm confused. That's not supposed to happen. Is there someone there? There shouldn't be anyone there. What's going on? Too many unanswered questions flood my mind. I need to find out what's going on, before something happens that isn't supposed to. I push the door open with the tip of my gun, and walk through. There's no more death serum, but the air stinks of it. Oily, and like.....death. I stop, suddenly. There's blood on the floor, smeared everywhere. 

          There are faded handprints in it. They must be Peter's.....oh god. He wasn't Divergent, like me. The serum must've done something to him, and made him cough up blood. I keep moving, trying not to step in his blood. I reach the doors to the Weapons Room, and press my ear to the door. 

        "You're just looking for trouble, aren't you?" It's an elder voice, and it sounds familiar. Where have I heard it for. 

        "How did you get through the death serum without the inoculation shot? Only I have access to it." Only I have access to it. Whoever he is, he's right. Only one person had access to the inoculation shot that would keep you alive, and we weren't able to get to it. Only.........David. It must be him, it can only be him. The only other person that knows about that is Matthew, and Matthew isn't that old. I don't know he knows about our plan, but it must've been an inside source. Peter? No, it can't be, otherwise he wouldn't be standing there. Caleb? He's an Erudite, after all, and he had been standing there while Jeanine tried to kill me. Maybe he thought that if he had the memory serum, he could return to the city and he could try to restore peace by wiping everyone's memory, and restart the faction system. But I know it can't be him either, because he and Peter seemed to have worked out some peace agreement, or something. I don't know anybody else who could've jeopardized our plan. All my friends, Christina, Cara, they wouldn't do anything to hurt the citizens. After all, they still had family in the city, and Cara had long forgiven me for Will. She wouldn't try anything. As I'm thinking about who was the spy, I hear a bullet click into the chamber. I look up through the window. David has his gun trained on Peter, and he moved his wheelchair in front of the memory serum. Think Peter, think. He has to get there, he has to deactivate the serum. 

         "Look, you don't have to do this. Families, friends, jobs, memories. All gone, all erased. Those are precious, special. They belong to people. You can't just take it away from them, like everything belongs to you. You don't own them, you don't control them. They lead their own independent lives, oblivious of your very existence! They aren't doing anything to harm you. Why would you do this to them?" I'm impressed. Peter really worked up a speech. But will it be enough to persuade David?

        David shrugs. "They'll live. Don't you think you speak from the experience of someone who's lived with them, who knows them? Your soft side is keeping you from seeing the real truth. The experiment has failed, you know what that means? It means that there will never be peace again in that city. They will always remember their past lives, always remember how the faction system ruined their lives, unless we can stop them. And that is why this mission is vital, and why you're in my way. So if you'll excuse me--" 

       Peter interrupts him, desperate. "But wait! Shouldn't you interrogate me? Don't you want to know more about the mission? There's more of them out there, David! Tobias, Christina, Matthew and Amar? They're out there in the city, trying to persuade Evelyn and Marcus. You have to stop them, before they come for you! And if there's anybody who knows more about their plans, right now it's me. If you kill me, you'll lose the benefit, they'll stop you, and it'll be too late. They'll be hiding before you can refresh their memory, and your plan will be wasted. So keep me alive, and I'll tell you where they are and all that they've planned."

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