The Unexpected Encounter

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Chapter Nine

For a couple of thousands of dollars I had my apartment completely furnished for Sunday morning, buying furniture wasn't my thing so I just got someone to do it for me. The wall that Robert and I painted reminded me of him everyday I went to watch TV. I couldn't keep Robert out of my mind whatsoever, his constant messages and his phone calls had me thinking about him for the past few days. His name appearing on the lock screen of my phone made me smile although I was mad at him.

Sitting over the breakfast counter I opened my computer up and typed Robert Lewandowski in the search bar. I hesitated a couple of times before hitting the enter button but I finally ended up doing it. A lot of information about him displayed on my laptop's screen: from Wikipedia to offered me a bunch of details of his professional and personal life; videos, images, photoshopped pictures of him; it was incredible the amount of shit you can find on the Internet.

The knocks on the door stopped me from opening a forum where people discussed if Robert was secretly gay, like seriously? I'm more than sure he's not gay. I closed my laptop and headed towards the door. A part of me wished it was Robert, even if I was going to yell at him I thought I needed to see him one more time. But my hopes broke down when I saw a deliveryman standing by my door, wearing a red cap and a red polo, he carried some pink tulips wrapped in brown paper that looked absolutely gorgeous. On that moment I saw those flowers, tulips became my favorite plant.

"Miss Isabella Clark?" The delivery asked reading a paper he had in his clipboard.

"It's me" I replied.

"Sign here please" he handed me a clipboard.

I signed it and he handed me the tulips I fell in love with; he smiled politely and left. I closed the door and carried the tulips to my kitchen where I found a flower base, filled it up with water and tug the tulips inside. Once I unwrapped the tulips, a card hopped out and fell to the floor. I picked it up, my eyes began reading the handwritten sentences on it, traveling through each line, trying to understand the meaning of such pretty and unexpected gift.

Every year, the Netherlands send one million tulips to Canada in sign of gratitude for their help during the World War. So, I'm sending you everyday one dozen of tulips in sign of repentance and remorse. I was an idiot and I want to make it up for you. Meet me in the downtown's café at midday; if you don't go, I'll leave you alone and I will never bother you again.

I gripped the paper firmly in my hand thinking whether I should go or not, I doubted for what felt like an half hour, I creased the paper making it a little ball and threw it into the garbage can. I turned over my heel to face the beautiful tulips Robert sent me, the memory of that pair of blue eyes came to my mind, those alluring blue eyes; the way he made me feel was indescribable, with a single touch, just a bare one he made me squirm. I shrugged the thoughts off and went to my bedroom, I laid in my bed watching blankly at the ceiling and there was Robert again harassing my mind. I stood up and put on some decent clothes, I watched myself in the mirror and retouched my makeup, I applied some eyeliner and remembered Robert again. Isn't there a single thing I can do without thinking about him?

I drove downtown where Robert wanted to meet me, I pulled over in front of the café where I had a pretty clear view of the restaurant and waited inside the car. I rested my hands on the steering wheel while watching people entering and exiting the café. I glanced sideways and saw Robert sitting by the window all alone with two mugs of coffee; crossing his arms. He gave it a sip and looked to the door waiting for me to show up, but the minutes went by and I didn't come out of the car.

He gave up and rubbed his face palms against his face, he stood and left the store behind, walking gloomily down the street. I watched him through the rear view mirror until he reached his car and drove off sight, I closed my eyes and inhaled deeply before placing the key inside the ignition. I felt guilty and miserable, I should have just come out of the car and listened to what he had to say but I was still mad at him. I know it has been three days since it all happened but I still felt it as if it happened three minutes ago.

I Fell For A Ball Kicker? (A Robert Lewandowski Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now