Unapologetically A Liar

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Chapter Fourteen

I stared at the odd, black and white painting in the wall while I waited for the doctor to call my name. My anxiety and my unbearably restless legs weren't helping me whatsoever, I didn't know from what I was more nervous for, the fact I waited two months to come to the doctors office after he called me or the fact that the only appointment available was when Robert had a very important match for the Champions League against the FC Porto. After the loss his team suffered when they played away, Robert came back very stressed and pressured. For him, this match was very, very important. The least I could do was support him.

I checked on my watch every two seconds: thirty minutes late, Robert was going to kill me. Maybe he didn't even notice that I wasn't there, a lot of people go to that matches. I tried to hide my red and blue stripped Bayern jersey under my black blazer as I stood up and walked to the reception counters, the blonde nurse looked at me with a huge fake smile: I wasn't happy to see her neither. I looked at my watch again, the match started thirty five minutes ago; hurry up.

"Is the doctor going to attend me today?" I spoke as calmly as I could. "I have a very important appointment."

"Doctor Braun is attending a patience that had a breakdown, he'll be back soon" the nurse replied. The dullness on her voice was annoyingly evident. "If you have nothing else to say, you can go back to your seat and wait like everyone else."

I opened my mouth to snap at her, how dare she?, but Doctor Braun arrived just in time to save her disrespectful ass. He looked at me and beckoned me to follow him, I gave the nurse a not-so-friendly stare and stormed out of reception. The doctor looked at my medical dossier and flipped the papers perusing on every line written on them. He nodded and he slightly shook his head without quitting his eyes from those bunch of papers.

I sat down in a chair and crossed my arms waiting for Doctor Braun to speak up; forty five minutes had passed since the match started and I was still there, stuck in a doctor's office twenty miles away from the Allianz Arena.

"Miss Clark, I'd like to have a serious conversation beforehand. It's been two months since I asked you to come and..."

"Dr. Braun I'm not aiming to be disrespectful or rude, but I have a very important meeting to attend to and I'm already very late" I cut him off in mid-sentence.

"Is the meeting more important than your health?" He snapped annoyed.

"What do I have, high pressure? Do I need vitamins, proteins?" I spoke quickly. I needed to get out of there as soon as possible.

"I wish it was that simple. The thing is that..." I cut him off in mid-sentence again.

"Doctor, please I have another meeting, I'm very sorry. I know I have already..."

"Miss Clark. You have a serious medical condition called Histiocytosis. Your immune system is so strong and aggressive that it will soon be attacking your red blood cells, leading to serious consequences and sicknesses. It won't allow you to have children and with the time, if it's not treated correctly, it will penetrate your bones and forbid you to walk and even to move" he cut me off in mid-sentence now, leaving me speechless and completely numb. "I'm sorry Isabella, but if had come two months earlier, we could have stopped it."

"What can we do?" I sighed with the tears about to emerge.

"There's a treatment that consists in injecting cyclophosphamide and methotrexate directly to a special vein located behind the belly button, this helps to dwindle the aggressiveness of the immune system. Needless to say, it also brings secondary effects like vomit, fainting and dizziness; however, if this treatment doesn't work, a surgery will be the only way for this disease to be cured" he explained.

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