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Chapter Nineteen

Robert's radiography didn't show any permanent damage that could forbid him from going to the trainings. However, he was given two weeks of rest and two months of using a corrective medical mask. He wasn't happy whatsoever, but at least he was going to be able to play for Bayern in the final against the Wolfsburg for the Bundesliga. It was a pity that his team lost against the Dortmund, even though the results could have been different if Robert had kicked one of the penalties, he was still happy for the Dortmund to have won this time. He still had a chance to play against the FC Barcelona in the Champions League though, and the opportunity to win the European championship didn't let him loose all hope.

I waited outside his room while the nurses took his vital signs. Once I was allowed to enter, the first thing I saw was Robert sitting on top of the stretcher still wearing his Bayern uniform. I smiled, but he hardly noticed I entered to the room. I sat down in a chair right in front of the stretcher where he was staying, he was massaging his temples with his fingers and his eyes closed. I stood up and walked slowly till I was in front of him, but he didn't opened his eyes. I touched his shoulder and, a couple of seconds later, he opened his eyes, I expected him to smile at me, but the frown in his face made raise an eyebrow.

"Who are you?" He asked seriously.

I froze. "Eh... I'm Isabella... Eh... Your girlfriend, I guess?" I replied insecurely.

"Who am I?" He uttered before bursting out laughing. "Gotcha!"

"You're kid Lewandowski" I scoffed, he laughed louder. "I brought you some clean clothes."

"Really? Aww" he sighed. "How long have I being in here though."

"Like two or three hours" I replied while checking my watch. "You must be exhausted."

"My head is killing me" he said. "But the nurses gave me a chocolate pudding."

"That's great" I chucked. "Get changed and let's get out of here."

"Do you mind if I get changed in front of you?" He asked sweetly. "I'm not in the mood of going to the bathroom."

"No prob" I uttered. "I'll wait for you outside."

"Okay" he smiled while he started taking off his sweatshirt.

I got out of his room and went to the reception counters to check him out. It didn't took long for Robert to get changed and join me while I payed for his medical treatment. Before leaving, the doctor gave him a black mask that covered up the middle of his face. His cheeks were pushed to the front of his face as soon as he tried it on, which made him look like he had just had his wisdom teeth removed. He was also given some medication for possible headaches, and after listening to the doctor's recommendation of having two weeks free of trainings and matches, we were ready to go.

In those two weeks, Robert took advantage of his situation and he made me company to every medical appointment I had scheduled for the week. He held my hand and talked to me while the painful injection made its effect, his charming smile and sweet personality made the time run incredibly fast. In addition to the endless discussion topics, having Robert by my side during the whole time made the treatment less painful and more entertaining. For the first time in my life, I was happy that the doctor had intervened in my personal life and told him about my medical situation. In any other case, I would have sued the hospital for spreading confidential information; however, sometimes things need to be said for one's sake.

I Fell For A Ball Kicker? (A Robert Lewandowski Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now