Types Of Love

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Chapter Thirteen

"I don't know how the hell did you convince me to do this" I commented annoyed.

"Come on, it's going to be fun" Robert insisted enthusiastically.

"Why did you bring me here anyway?" I rolled my eyes at him.

"Because I want you to give it a try" Robert replied the same way.

"I did it because I like you, not because I like it. Why would you bring me here anyway" I said unconvinced.

"Stop being a spoiled child and get out of the car" he commanded.

He offered me his hand and helped me to get out of the car, he stole me a peck in the lips as soon as I was completely out of the car. My cheeks burned as he looked at me with his playful smirk, he was so adorable. I looked around and saw "Allianz Arena" written in one side of that gigantic glassed building, behind all the glass the were enormous metallic 3D convex pieces aligned one next to the other making it a genuinely masterpiece of architecture; Robert took my hand and dragged me inside the stadium, he sped up as I realized we were sneaking into the sport's place. We dodged a few security guards and he guided me through an endless maze of tunnels and stairs that composed that gigantic thing.

"We could get arrested for this Robert" I commented as we passed through the third tunnel.

"Do you trust me?" He asked, looking me into the eyes. Still walking.

"I don't know, can I?" I answered.

He halted dryly before another bunch of stairs and grabbed my head gently between his hands, I could feel his glare and his warm breath as he was too close to me, his gaze was intense and I was enslaved under the spell of his blue eyes. "I would never get you in a situation in which you could get hurt or arrested" Robert said seriously. "Trust me, okay?"

I nodded and he kissed me in the forehead.

"Now, just climb this stairs, I promise they are the last ones" he added.

I began climbing the stairs slowly with Robert behind me, every two seconds I would turn my head around to see if he was still there and he would always smile to me with the same joy as if it was the first time I turned my head to see him. When we got to the last step, words couldn't explain how surprised I was when I found myself in the edge of a gigantic football pitch. Robert stood next to me and sighed, looking around while he hugged me with one arm, his blue eyes shone brightly with the light coming from the big whole in the ceiling, everything was just spectacular, from the very first chair to the last piece grass.

"This is where the magic happens" Robert uttered looking absentmindedly at the pitch. "Every time I'm in that pitch, I feel free, secure and happy."

I gave him a slight grin.

"But not as happy as when I'm with you" he added after a short pause.

I wrapped my arms around his neck and pecked him slightly in the lips, I looked in his blue eyes as the sunset light coming from the ceiling showered us, making him look like a kind of divine creature. I wouldn't have imagined myself in this situation ever, but as things were turning out, I could say I was starting to like it.

"You make me happy too," I whispered and wrapped my arms around his waist, embracing him in a bone-breaking hug.

He hugged back and we stayed like that for what felt like endless minutes. Then, he took my hand and we sauntered around the gigantic stadium. Robert showed me everything around, from the lockers and changing rooms to the painted logo of the Bayern München in the stairs; I couldn't care less about what was or wasn't in the stadium, but I enjoyed seeing him talk and talk nonstop about it: his mouth wouldn't stop moving and I wouldn't stop wanting to shut him up with a kiss. The tour ended when he guided me back to the parking lot, by then, the sun had already set and the sky was starting to get darker.

I Fell For A Ball Kicker? (A Robert Lewandowski Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now