A Stormy Night

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Chapter Six

"I wouldn't have rented a car if I had known that I would have had my own personal driver" I teased as the 4th of July fireworks ceased on my insides. I couldn't control it rapidly, I just hoped he didn't realize.

"Finally, you speak up!" He exclaimed. Shit, I knew he was going to say that.

"Yeah, work stuff" I lied.

"How is it?" He asked intrigued.

"How is it what?" I asked back.

"To be a lawyer, you know. Are you one of those lawyers like Suits or Drop Dead Diva?" He smiled without quitting his eyes from the road. Good driver, responsible and punctual, I'm starting to like this guy, more than I should.

"Well, it is good I guess. I love what I do, maybe my cases are not as dramatic as those TV programs but I enjoy working on my cases and going to the court" I stated, actually I had never been asked this question so I was kind of unprepared.

"Have you ever got someone into jail?" Robert asked really intrigued, he was like a child asking questions about his desired future profession.

"Actually, I did once" I smiled as Robert dazzled up. "I worked for a CEO that was suspecting on his accountant, and after doing some research I prevented him from stealing twelve million dollars"

"Twelve million dollars?!" Robert exclaimed astonished.

"The most amazing thing was that after the case, the CEO offered me a permanent job in his enterprise as his personal lawyer, but I had to decline and told him about my dream of coming to Germany, so he got me an interview with the law firm in working at" I said.

"Like a dream came true" Robert said.

"Indeed" I smiled.

The car stopped before a modern building with symmetrical tress at the side of the main entrance, the green awning gave it a really New Yorker style. A nice middle-aged woman dressed in a red uniform waited for as a the entrance of the building, she beamed at us once we left the car, her politeness and professionalism made me like her immediately. She guided us to the remodeled lobby and explained some luxury finishes and standardized security systems. She passed a magnetic card through a sensor and the elevator's doors opened immediately, she politely beckoned us to get in and after tapping the "12" button the elevator's doors closed.

"The apartment is located in the twelfth floor as you may have noticed already. I hope the elevation of the apartment is not an inconvenient" she stated.

"Not at all" I smiled.

"Excellent, you're such a lovely couple" she smiled at both of us.

Robert and I looked at each other funnily, before she could add something more awkward the elevator doors opened in a hallway, she walked until the 12E apartment and opened the door. The apartment was big, spacious, modern, open, luxurious, with a great view and in few words it was perfect. She explained about the reinforced windows against strong winds, the reinforced infrastructure of the building against earthquakes and the digital security systems through all the building.

"I loved it" I sighed once she finished showing the apartment around.

"Excellent, would you like me to do the arrangements?" She smiled.

"I do" I smiled.

"Excellent, I can have the apartment ready in two weeks for you to move in" she added taking out her phone.

"Wait, two weeks?" I asked.

"Of course, the wall in the living room needs to be painted, I can't sell you an apartment that is not finished" she said compressively.

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