The Beginning Of The Rest Of Your Life

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Chapter Twenty-Six

Isabella had finished packing her last box when the doorbell rang. She realized that she had two hours left before the car that would take her to the airport arrived. Isabella went back to her room and started dragging her suitcases out. Before taking the last suitcase, she stared out the window next to her bed. She looked at the bowl-like stadium that seemed to pop up in her panoramic view and just before she could started thinking about Robert, the doorbell ring transformed into intense knocks. She slowly approached to the door and opened it abruptly, so fast, that Robert held his fist in the air awaiting for a next knock.

"You have a key, why didn't you use it" Isabella said coldly.

"I don't want to force you to see me" Robert replied softly.

"Then leave" Isabella suggested.

"I just want to talk about what happened" Robert grimaced. "I want you to listen to what really happened."

"Come in" she sighed before making some room for Robert to get in.

Robert was greatly surprised at how easily he got to make her talk to him. He had actually prepared a five-minute useless speech that would grant him at least a minute with Isabella; he was glad he didn't get to use it. Robert was surprised at seeing all Isabella's stuff packed up, he hoped that she was moving in, instead of moving out. However, he knew in the inside that she was running away from him.

"Are you going somewhere?" Robert asked as soon as he sat down in the couch that had been covered with a blanket.

"Robert, what do you want?" Isabella ignored him. "Let's just have this conversation, so we can both move on."

"Bella, you know I love you so much" Robert said. "But I swear on my life that I didn't kiss Anna back, she approached to me and, I didn't even know how to react, it was so fast that..." He trailed off. "It was just a kiss."

"It was just a kiss? What the hell is that suppose to mean?" Isabella replied offended. "Does it mean I have no right to be mad? Am I acting like a overly attached girlfriend!?"


"What if I was the one who had been kissed?" Isabella asked him rhetorically. "You would have probably smacked that man to death."

"I know" Robert shrugged. "But that's not the point, I'm just trying to say that the kiss didn't mean anything to me. I love you Isabella, just you. If I knew what would have happened, I..."

"I believe you" she sighed, cutting Robert off in mid-sentence. "You don't have to give me any explanations, I believe you. I know you won't do anything to hurt me, anyways. I probably should have told you this before, but I think I overreacted."

Robert was speechless and confused. Things were turning out to be way easier than he thought. He hoped they both could make things up, but he was wrong.

"Robert, I love you so, so much, but I have thought about it and I think it is better to give us some time" Isabella added after a moment of silence. "I don't want to go to Spain. I think it's better for me to look for new opportunities anywhere else."

"We will go wherever you want. As long as we're together" Robert rushed to answer. Isabella shook her head.

"Spain is your dream, Ro. I can't allow you to let your dream go; it's a vain sacrifice" Isabella stated seriously.

"I love the Bayern too, I can renew my contract until 2021, we can make this work!" Robert exclaimed, tears started streaming on his eyes.

"No" Isabella replied calmly. "My decision is made, whether you decide to stay or to go, this relationship is over."

I Fell For A Ball Kicker? (A Robert Lewandowski Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now