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Isabella rummaged the things inside her Givenchy looking for her phone: when she needed it the most, it always had to disappear. She walked around the house until she ended up in the living room where she found the house phone and dialed her number trying to localize it. Her ringtone was barely listenable from where she was standing, so she closed her eyes and tried to listen closely. While she strolled around with her eyes closed, she blamed herself for always being so careless about her phone and for not knowing Robert's number by heart.

"What are you doing?" Robert blurted out. Isabella opened her eyes abruptly. "You should be resting."

"I can't find my phone" she replied. "My back is killing me."

"Your phone is on the night table" Robert shook his head. "You shouldn't be strolling around."

"Where did you go anyways?" Isabella demanded. "You were not next to me when I woke up."

"I went to the drug store to fetch you an aspirin or something for your backache" Robert said. "Let me take you back to bed."

Robert passed Isabella's arm over his shoulders and guided her to the bedroom. He looked at her compassionately and smiled at how beautiful she was. He placed Isabella over the bed and pulled a warm blanket over her, she thanked him with a kiss in the nose and held his hand while she looked at him into his stunning blue eyes, the only ones that have always taken her breath away.

"Your back is killing you because you don't change your sleeping position" Robert suggested. "Why don't you turn around?"

"I don't want to" Isabella replied. "What if it does something to the baby?"

Robert laughed. "You haven't slept over you stomach since we found out you were pregnant and we both know that you love sleeping in that position."

"The ultrasound is tomorrow, I don't want the baby to have abnormalities or something because of my sleeping position" Isabella said concernedly.

"Bella, you're a perfectionist, even at making babies" Robert chuckled. "This baby will be perfect, I know it."

"The pain in my back is not normal, it might goes beyond my sleeping position" Isabella bit her nails. "What if it's bigger than we expect it to be? How it will come out of down there?"

"Don't worry" Robert caressed her hair. "You have already taken me in, that's the biggest thing that will ever be down there."

Isabella screamed. "Sure, if the baby's size is 5cm"

"Hey!" Robert laughed. "Now seriously, I bet there is a reasonable explanation for your backache."

"There sure is" Isabella replied unconvinced. "Would you cuddle me up until I fall asleep?"

Robert nodded and placed himself next to Isabella in the bed; both staring at the ceiling, he embraced her with his left arm and caressed her hair while kissing her in the head. "You know, you're not the only one thrilled by tomorrow's ultrasound."

"Everything was perfectly normal until I reached my second month" Isabella whispered. "What if my baby is sick or something, I'm scared, Ro."

"Calm down, Bella" Robert reassured her. "Even if our baby has any difficulties, we will love him no matter what."

Robert was also concerned about Isabella's pains after reaching the second month of pregnancy, there were times when he had to leave his trainings behind to take her to the hospital. However, the medical examinations showed that everything was absolutely perfect. The fetus was too small to make an ultrasound, so they didn't know what was actually happening inside Isabella's belly. It was weirdly big for a second month belly, but as long as they make sure the baby was healthy, it didn't matter to Isabella whatever happened to her body.

I Fell For A Ball Kicker? (A Robert Lewandowski Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now