A Life-Changing Incident

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Chapter One

The sound of my heels echoed throughout all the boarding arm in the airport, this job interview meant everything to me. I have been working so hard for this and finally that call arrived, an opportunity for working in one of the most prestigious law firms in Europe, the Heisen-Bower Signature. The Heisen-Bower Signature is like the biggest leagues for lawyers, it is like obtaining a contract with Calvin Klein for models or like gaining a spot at the Zurich's stock market or Wall Street for stockbrokers. The flight attendant smiled at me as I handed her my boarding ticket, flying in a suit and a gigantic coat wasn't the most comfortable way of traveling but as soon as I got out of the plane I had to rush -and by rush I meant fly- to the center of Munich where the Heisen-Bower building was located. I quickly got into the bathroom to see my hair all messed up, I tamed it up in a pony tail, retouched my makeup and went back to my seat. Despite we were in winter, the day was amazingly gorgeous, the sky was cloudless and the conditions indicated that it was going to be a great flight, I fastened my seat belt and opened the inflight duty free magazine. As the time went by, the plane started fulfilling, people kept entering to the plane until the last seat was occupied.

"Good morning ladies and gentlemen, welcome to flight 1078 of American Airlines, we give our warmest welcome to our frequent flyers, it is always a pleasure to have you onboard. The pilot reckons that the estimated time of flying is 6 hours and 40 minutes with no stopovers. Thank you for flying with us and enjoy your flight" the flight attendant said through the intercom.

As the plane began taxing to the runway, the safety video of the plane started playing, I have never flown intercontinentally so this stuff of an "emergency landing on the ocean" was startling interesting. The plane began speeding up heading towards Germany after waiting for 20 minutes, my whole self started feeling excited and nervous once the plane left the ground; New York started to narrow as the plane plunged in the clouds. This was my first time in Germany, I come from a big family in Montana, so I had never had the chance of traveling out the country. Actually, I'm the first one in the family that was able to go the university, so I know what it means to work hard. However, Germany never caught my attention, I started studying German at the university because I knew that someday I would be working for the Heinsen-Bower Signature ever since I started studying and this day has finally arrived. I could say that after years struggling with this language my speaking turned out to be sehr gut. After two meals and six hours we landed on Munich, I read that Munich was famous for its historical architectural structures like cathedrals and churches in the city center and for its modern buildings as well. As soon as I got out of the plane my phone started beeping madly, my clients were calling me for pointless questions just to freak me out. I'm a corporative and financial lawyer, my job is to veil for my client's interest and to arrive to fair agreements between my clients and financial institutions. I'm not like the common lawyers that work on divorces or the ones that get criminals in jail. My style of working requires more preparation and more intelligence to get done.

After dragging my suitcase through all the airport I finally arrived to the car rentals, I wasn't really a fan of driving as my phone always kept beeping all the time and the only time I drove a car was when I had to take my father truck to pick up my six brothers at school; besides, I couldn't just not answer but if I wanted to make it on time I would have to drive and drive fast. I rented a car online so I would avoid making long queues, but unfortunately renting online had been a little bit more complicated than renting just after leaving the plane. Which meant, that they had to verify my identity, my ID number, my social security code, my passport, my credit card, and my whole life just to give me a god damn car.

"Miss Clark, do you want to hire our security insurance for any accident or incident?" the woman behind the Hertz counter asked.

"No, thank you. Could you please give me the keys?" I said annoyed.

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