Part 1 - Forming a Band

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A group of boys aged 19-21 from Australia decided to form a band. Here is how they started to know each other. They met each other at a school talent show. All of them performed solo. After the talent show has ended, they bumped into each other backstage. Praising one another because all of them did great and then one of them decided to treat them lunch. While waiting for the food to arrive, one of them said.. "Hey, let's introduce ourselves I'm James" "I'm Connor" "Brad" "and I'm Tristan" "alright, nice to meet you guys" said James. Brad replied "yeah nice to meet you too" "food's here!" shouted Connor. After eating their lunch they stayed for awhile to have a conversation. "Tristan, you're very good on the drums" James ask Tristan because he saw how good Tristan is performing on the talent show. "am I? Not really, i still have much to learn, by the way thanks!" Tristan replied. "your welcome, how long have you been playing the drums?" James ask Tristan. "i started when I was about 13 years old" Tristan replied. "wow okay" said James. They stay silent for a few minutes then suddenly Brad have an idea. "hey guys, how about..we form a band together? said Brad. "why all of the sudden? Connor asked. "well look at us, we're perfect for a band..we have James who play the acoustic guitar, Tristan on drums..Connor on bass and me on electric guitar" said Brad excitingly. "that is a very good idea Brad, I've always wanted to be in a band" said Connor. "but, who's singing?" Tristan asked. "um, i can sing" James replied. "so am i" said Brad. "nice, so when and where do we start our first jamming session?" Tristan asked. "well, let me think..." said Brad

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