Part 5 - Naming the Band

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"how about 'The Vamps'?" Tristan suggested. Brad said "how did you come out with that name?" Tristan replied "I don't know, I straight away thought of it when James said we need a band name, besides I think The Vamps just felt right" Connor agrees so do James. Brad said "that is a very good name..thanks Tristan, I also agree!" Tristan said "okay so.. The Vamps it is" He then signed up for a YouTube account.. filled in the particulars..while the others observed and write down what's username and password..they all are sharing this YouTube account. Tristan then uploaded the video and shouted "DONE!" Connor then said "not yet" James replied "why Connor? what's wrong?" Connor said "look at the profile picture of the YouTube account it's empty..we need to take a wefie, like right now" Brad said "okay then, Tristan..grab your camera" Tristan then eject his camera from the computer. They took a wefie (picture together). Tristan then connected back his camera to the computer..then he changed the profile picture to the picture they just took. Connor said "now it's done..we look great in the picture..don't you guys agree?" Brad, James and Tristan simultaneously. Brad said "it's already 10.30 pm, let's head home" "yeah I'm tired" said James and Tristan simultaneously. Connor said "I'm stopping by the 24/7 shop to buy some potato chips before heading home" They all then leave the studio together but go separate ways because they lived quite far from each other. It has been 2 weeks the boys didn't contact each other. Brad decided to check out on their YouTube account. Brad was shocked to see, almost 6000 viewers on their music video cover. Not only that, there are comments too..quite a lot and most of them are positive comments. The video is also being liked. Brad was so happy, it was 9pm. Brad decided to call James to tell him about the good news. James also was shocked. Then Brad called Connor..and James called Tristan. Both of them have the same reaction. After about 30 mins, they all have informed each other about the good news. Brad decided to send a text message to James, Tristan and Connor. "guys! I am so happy right about we meet at my dad's studio tomorrow after lunch?" James, Tristan and Connor replied to Brad's text message saying "yes". The next day, it's almost 2pm..Brad headed to his dad's studio..from afar he sees two guys. "I wonder who it is..."

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