Part 18 - Timetable

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Tristan..I like Tristan..." Cecilia then smiled at Tristan. Brad said, "okayy..I think I'm the cute one here, but nevermind" Cecilia replied, "but said to choose between Tristan or Connor.." Brad said, "oh ya..I forgot" Cecilia and Brad laugh. James said, "I guess all this time Tristan and Cecilia were hanging out is because they like each other" Tristan said, "yes're right.." Brad looked at Connor who is silent and said, "Connor, are you okay?" Connor replied, "yes I am okay.." they all then laughs make jokes until it's already late and it's time to sleep. They went to bed, the next morning..James is the first one to woke up, he made breakfast. Then Brad enter the kitchen, Brad greets James good morning and said, "James did you make breakfast..?" Brad taste the toasted bread and scrambled eggs. Brad said, "wow James! This is delicious! I didn't know you can cook" James said, "thanks Brad..yeah I can cook simple things..hehe" then Connor joins to have breakfast. Connor also said that the breakfast James cooked is delicious. Not long after that..Cecilia and Tristan enter the the kitchen together. Brad tease them and said, " guys look like a married couple" Cecilia just giggled but Tristan said, "stop it Brad" Brad then laughs. Connor again was silent. He started to think, if he always stay silent like this..they might think that he is jealous and mad at Tristan. So, Connor act normally, and begin to chit chat during breakfast. After breakfast, Connor volunteered to wash the dishes. While the others were still sitting in the kitchen chatting. While Connor was washing the dishes. Connor heard what Tristan said. He said to Cecilia.."hey's Valentine's Day in two weeks, so...?" Cecilia replied, "so....?" Tristan said, "will you...." Brad interrupted and said, "stop stop're asking a girl to be your Valentine just like that? You need to be more romantic..give chocolate, flowers something like that" Tristan said, "oh okay then..Cecilia hold your answer..I'll ask you again if I've already bought chocolates and flowers" Cecilia said, "okay..." Cecilia then stand up from her chair and head to the sink to put her glass. Cecilia look at Connor but Connor didn't look back at Cecilia..but he saw from the corner of his eye that Cecilia was looking at him. After washing the dishes. Connor head to the living room where Brad, James, Tristan and Cecilia were chilling around watching television. There were 2 seater, 3 seater and 1 seater sofas. Cecilia and Tristan sat next to each other. So Connor sat on the 1 seater sofa. The rest of them were focussing watching the television but, Connor keep turning his head to the left watching Tristan and Cecilia. After about awhile..the phone rang. James go and picked it up. It was Ethan. After James finished talking to Ethan on the phone. James go and talk to the rest. James said, " attention..Ethan called he said, that while he was here yesterday..he leaves a timetable on top of the television table. So, we need to follow the timetable" James then take the timetable..there were 5 copies. James distributed them. James said, "so as you guys can see here on the paper..sometime we can chill watch tv and stuff..sometime we need to go and practice in the music room for the tour, our concert every Sunday" Brad said, "but, how to practice? We don't even know what song we're performing" Connor said, "Brad, look at the back page..there's a list" Brad said, "oh ya.." Cecilia said, "so we have 3 songs each..and the concert is about an hour" Tristan said, "yes that's right..we're new, we start simple first.." James said, "so after lunch..we need to practice"

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