Part 2 - Brad had an idea

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James interrupted Brad.."how about we exchange telephone numbers first..and then when someone have an idea where and when we should start our first jamming session, just call or message" "okay then" said Connor, Brad and Tristan simultaneously. They all went home after the conversation they had. While walking home because Brad house is nearby.. Brad had an idea. He reached home says Hi to his mom in the kitchen and then quickly run upstairs to his room, locking the door. Without changing his clothes he straight away grab his guitar and turn on his laptop. Then he when to YouTube, thinking.. "hm, what song is the easiest to learn right now" after a few minutes later Brad start typing on the search box. "What Makes You Beautiful by One Direction guitar tutorial" "aha! This song is popular right now, so I'm going to start learning the chords" after about 4-5 hours locking himself in his room learning and mesmerising the chords, Brad decided to go down and have dinner, bringing along his handphone and put it on the coffee table, then head to the kitchen to eat dinner. After dinner he went to sit in the living room watching the television show. Suddenly, Brad handphone which is place on top of the coffee table infront of him rang. "it's James" Brad said, "hi James what's up" James replied "hey, i just call getting updates..i just went off the phone with Connor and Tristan..but they said they have no idea about our first jamming session" Brad replied "oh really? That's fine because i have and idea" James was surprised and said "wow! That was fast..what is it? Brad replied "i've decided for our first jamming session will be at..

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