Part 3 - Connor loves to eat

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a music studio owned by my father" James replied "oh okay then" "please help me inform Tristan and Connor" Brad told James. "okay i will, talk to you later!" James then hangup the phone. The next was early it the morning where the phone alarm woke Tristan up. He checks his handphone and found out that there's a message from James. The massage was send 9pm yesterday. Tristan didn't realized it because he went to bed early. The message James send to Tristan look like this.."hey there Tristan! Brad had an idea..he found our first jamming place..which is the music studio owned by his father, i will ask Brad to text you the address..see ya!" after reading the message, Tristan receive another message from's an address to Brad's father music studio.."see ya Tristan! 2pm today!" Brad added to the message. On the other side, Connor who woked up really early in the morning..brushes his teeth, bath..and straight away head to the kitchen to have breakfast because he was hungry. After having breakfast he went to his room to take a look at his handphone whether if there are updates from the boys. Connor found out there are two message in his inbox..first one was from James send 9pm yesterday..the message look exactly like Tristan's..and then Connor look at the message from Brad..also the same exact thing Brad send to Tristan. It was around lunch time..the boys have eaten their lunches and it's 2 hours before they agreed to meet at the music studio. Brad then forgot something.."oh i forgot to ask the boys to practice "What Makes You Beautiful" with their own instrument" Brad said to himself he then quickly grab his phone and send 3 message to the boys at once saying.."guys I'm so sorry i forgot to inform you guys..before we meet at the music studio, can you guys practice and memorize the chords for One Direction song "What Makes You Beautiful" ? On your own instruments. And I'll change the timing..we will meet at the music studio at 6pm today..sorry again guys, see ya!" James, Connor and Tristan received the message from Brad and straight away they start to practice and mesmerizing the chords. At about 5pm, they all get ready to go out..Tristan didn't bring along his drums but he bring along his favourite drumsticks. While Connor and James brings along their guitar, it's easy because the guitar has a bag with it. Brad also brings his guitar along. 15 minutes before 6pm, the first to reach the music studio is..Brad because it's his father's studio so he knows the way besides he often come to the studio to see what his father is doing and sometimes Brad practices in the studio. It's already 6.30pm there's no sign of Connor, James nor Tristan..Brad waited again around 15 minutes later, someone knocked on the door. "it must be them, let me go and check" Brad saying that to himself. "hello! it sounded so bright and loud. Connor, James and Tristan arrived at the same time. "finally you guys came, what took you guys so long? I've waited for like an hour already" Tristan replied "well first of all, don't you want to let us in first?" Brad smiles and laugh softly and said "oh yeah sorry..come in come in..welcome to my father's music studio..this is where we will be jamming and practising..since my father is on break, he will not be using this studio for like 2 months" "nice"..said Connor. Okay now, explained yourselves. "i live quite far from it's hard for me to find this place" said James.."okay what about you Connor?" Brad asked "I was on my way here then I saw Tristan I asked him "hey are you on your way to Brad's dad music studio?" Tristan then replied "yes" then there is this pizza shop not far from where we're standing, I'm hungry at that time so I asked Tristan "do you want to get something to eat first?" Tristan replied "treat me..?" I replied "okay I'll treat you, come let's go!" We then head over to the Pizza Shop, we went in..sat down there and ordered two large takes a while for us to finish it..that's why we're late" Connor explained to Brad. Brad then looked at Tristan..Tristan grin at Brad then Tristan said " who can say no to pizza besides I like free food" Tristan grins again. Brad said "well okay, you're right who can say no to food? Especially pizza..okay I'll forgive you guys..but next time be punctual..and Connor, if you found a food shop or cake shop any shop that sells food, packed it for you and us..we can all eat it together here in the studio, okay?" Connor replied "yes Brad" "now let start, have you guys done what i said? Practice and memorize "What Makes You Beautiful?" James replied "well Brad i did but...

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