Part 12 - Connor & Cecilia eats breakfast together

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Finally, the day for The Live Show have come. The first to wake up is Brad..usually it's Tristan but today it's Brad because he is feeling really excited about The Live Show. Brad woke up, have his breakfast and then he send a text message to James, Tristan, Connor and Cecilia saying.."guys..have you waken up yet? today is the day.. The Live Show..." Tristan wake up to the ringing sound of receiving Brad's text message..Tristan replied, "yes Brad I've waken up already..I'm gonna have a bath now and eat my breakfast" while Tristan is bathing and have his breakfast..Brad waits for the other 3 of his friends to reply but while waiting..Brad receive a text message from Daniel saying, "good morning guys! I need to meet all of you at my Cool Studio office at 9am..I need to tell you the details about The Live Show" Brad then quickly dress up and head to Cool Studio. As for Tristan..after he bathe, he checks his phone and read Daniel's text message..he then quickly eat his breakfast and then head to Cool Studio. As for James, Connor and Cecilia..they wake up..check their phone and saw a text message from Daniel. They all quickly bathe and then they rush of to Cool Studio without having breakfast. Brad is first to arrive..followed by Tristan..James..Connor and Cecilia..they all gathered at Daniel's office. Daniel said, "okay guys hello and good is The Live Show and it is at 4pm today" Connor said, "4pm..? I thought it is gonna be like in 2 hours time or something..I've rushed here and didn't eat breakfast yet.." Daniel replied, "Connor..I'm sorry to rushed can have your breakfast later" James then said, "but why 4pm? do we have to do something before the show?" Daniel said, "yes James correct..what you guys have to do is..get your fans to see The Live Show" Brad said, "but how?" Daniel said, "you guys have a YouTube account right? I'm sure there are alot of your fans commenting on your music cover videos so, you guys and Cecilia need to record a short video saying that you will be at the park next to Cool Studio at 4pm for the show and upload it onto your YouTube channel..and you need to do it now" Cecilia head out of the office and go to the entrance of the Cool Studio building to record her short video using her phone. "hey there guys! It's Cecilia..I'm here at Cool Studio and I will be performing Live the park beside Cool Studio..this is my first ever Live's free..please come..see you at 4pm" she smiles and stop the recording. She then upload it onto her YouTube channel just by using her phone. While Cecilia does that..the boys also record their short video at the studio room using the laptop located in the room..they take turns saying the details about The Live Show..first off they start by introducing themselves one by one..Brad said, "hello we're The Vamps..sorry for not uploading music cover videos for a long time" James continue, "yeah, it is because we're working on with our first single called...." Connor continue, "we can't tell you yet but soon you will know because..we're inviting you guys our fans to...." Tristan continue, "our first ever Live Show located at the park next to the Cool Studio building" Brad said, "so..see you guys.." James continue, "at 4pm" Connor continue, "bring along your family and friends" Tristan continue, "it's a free show..see ya!" they all end the video by saying bye and wave simultaneously. Then they upload it onto their YouTube channel. After they done with all the recording..they went for breakfast. On the way for breakfast..Cecilia notice something..she ask Brad.."Brad wasn't Tristan with you guys just now?" Brad replied, "yes he is..but he went home to get his's his favourite drumsticks though.." Cecilia replied, "oh okay" Brad said, "by the way.. he already had breakfast and I think he won't be long..why? are you starting to miss him already?" Brad grin and raise his eyebrows looking at Cecilia. Cecilia shyly said, "noo..I was just asking.." Brad said, "yeah right...." Cecilia just smile. After that conversation..Brad walk with James who was walking infront alone from just now..and Connor was way behind them. Cecilia look behind and see Connor who is walking alone..she stops because she wants to wait for Connor. Connor was getting closer and closer to where Cecilia is standing waiting for him. Connor said to himself.."what is Cecilia doing? should I stop or just walk by her.." About a few steps away from Cecilia..she calls Connor out.."hey Connor..come let's walk together" Connor approaches Cecilia and said, "okay" they then walk together side by side. Connor has a smile on his face..because he is very happy. Connor keep looking at Cecilia. Cecilia notices and turn and look at Connor..Connor quickly look away. Cecilia said, "Connor were you looking at me?" Connor shyly replied, "no.." Cecilia said, "don't lie..I can see from the corner of my eye that you were looking at me Connor" Connor replied, "you made a rhyme and did you say my name twice..?" Cecilia laughs so do Connor. After all that chit chatting, they reach the place that they're having breakfast at. The place was 4 seats table..they are only a few 2 seats table..James said, "Brad you sit with me" Brad replied, "what about Connor..." Brad look behind and sees Connor and Cecilia walking together towards them. Brad said, "Connor you sit with Cecilia okay?" Connor grin and said, "okay..come Cecilia" Connor is a gentleman..he pulls out the chair for Cecilia to sit. Cecilia said, "thank you to Connor" Connor replied, "your welcome..what are you going to order?" Cecilia replied, "um I would like pancakes, scramble eggs and hot tea" Connor said, "okay, you stay here..I'll go and order" Connor smile so do Cecilia. After done ordering..Connor place the food on the table..Cecilia notice something and said, "you ordered the same thing" Connor replied, "yeah, I guess we have something in common" Cecilia said, "Tristan and I have the same favourite food at Burger King..but here your favourite is same as mine" Connor stay silent without replying to Cecilia. They then just eat. After Cecilia have done eating..Cecilia ask Connor.."Connor, are you okay?" Connor replied, "yes I'm okay..why?" Cecilia said, "I spoke about Tristan earlier and then you stayed silent..are you jealous?" Connor replied, "um..I.." without finishing what Connor want to say.. Brad come and interrupt them..Brad said, "have you guys done eating?" Cecilia replied, "yes I'm done" Connor replied, "me too" James said, "good, now let's get back to cool studio...."

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