Part 22 - Sticky Notes

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Cecilia look at Connor and said, "hold this paper, stay here I'll be right back" Cecilia went upstairs and grab all the sticky notes from the drawer then she went back downstairs. Cecilia place the sticky notes on the table. Cecilia compared the handwritings on the sticky notes and on the paper which have an address Connor wrote. Cecilia said, "the handwritings are the same....
so all this while, it was you? It was you Connor..? You write and place this sticky notes on my mirror everyday" Connor just stay silent. Then someone got home, it was Tristan. He calls out for Cecilia while holding chocolates and flowers in his hands. He stop calling out for Cecilia because Tristan saw Cecilia is at the kitchen with Connor. Tristan head to the kitchen, Connor tries to take the sticky notes to hide it away but Cecilia stop Connor from doing so. Tristan approached Cecilia and said, "hey Cecilia, I.... He stop because he saw the sticky notes on the table. Tristan said, "wait..what is this, sticky notes??" Tristan read them one by one. Tristan said, "Cecilia..who were this from?" Cecilia replied, "I thought all of this was from you Tristan" Tristan said, "this is not my I have never gave you sticky notes" Cecilia replied, "earlier I asked Connor to write down the address because I want to go and meet you..but when Connor passed me the paper with his handwritings on it, I realized that the handwritings is the same as on the sticky was Connor's handwritings" Tristan is mad and said, "I come here to bring you chocolates and flowers but what do I see now? My friend is trying to steal my girl from me" he puts the chocolates and flowers on the table. Tristan then grabs Connor's collar and said, "what are you trying to do huh Connor? You do know right that me and Cecilia like each other? You said you're okay with it, but why do you give her sticky notes everyday?!" Connor grabs Tristan hands and breaks the grab. Connor said, "I may say that I'm okay, but actually I'm not. I like Cecilia too!" Cecilia started to cry. She didn't know Connor had feelings for her too. Tristan and Connor keep on arguing. Cecilia said, "stop it you guys! Just stop!" Cecilia cries again. Connor comforts Cecilia he said, "it's okay Cecilia no need to cry" Cecilia said, "Connor I didn't know you had feelings for me..since when?" Connor replied, "since the first time I saw you..we go to the cafe together..we hang out..sitting beside you when we were singing on stage..chilling with you when we were at the vocal booth on the bus. We have the same favourite like rainbow cake, I like rainbow sprinkles. We have alot in common. Everytime when I'm with you I smiled. Remember when I walked alone? Then you waited for me and we walkled together side by side? That was the very happy moment. To be honest, everytime when I'm with you I'm happy" Cecilia cries again. She didn't realized that all this time she made Connor smile and happy. Cecilia look at Tristan who was looking at them. Cecilia approaches Tristan she then grabs both of Tristan's hand. Cecilia said, "Tristan, I know you like me. I was happy being with you. You're very funny. I laugh to every joke you told me. But Tristan, there's one thing you never showed me. Love.
If you really have feelings for me, you didn't wait for James to remind you about Valentine's day. You don't need Brad to say that you need chocolates and flowers to ask me to be your Valentine. When you were playing games on the tour bus, you ignored me. I was bored that time, you should have stop playing the game and hang out with me but didn't" Cecilia let go of Tristan's hand. She then picks up the sticky notes on the table and Cecilia stand beside Connor. Cecilia said, "look at this Tristan, Connor is the one..he showed me love. He was very sweet. Everyday he writes sticky notes for me..he wrote down good morning..good night, he also compliments me and place it on my mirror. All this while I thought it was you Tristan but no" Cecilia place the sticky notes back on the table and then she grabs the chocolates and flowers. Cecilia said, "here..thanks for the chocolates and flowers Tristan" Tristan grabs it. Cecilia said, "sorry Tristan I cannot be your Valentine for tomorrow" Cecilia then go and hug Connor. Tristan is mad he stomped his feet and head out of the house. Connor said, "so..will you be my Valentine?" Cecilia replied, "yes" the next morning..Connor is all suit up he grabs flowers and hold it in his hands and wait downstairs near the stairs. Brad and James came down and saw Connor standing there. Brad and James look at Connor weirdly. Connor said, "don't ask..just wait" then Tristan came down. Tristan walk pass by Connor. Tristan smile. Connor didn't know why Tristan smile. Connor just smile back at Tristan. Brad said, "so Tristan..where's the chocolates and flowers?" James said, "and why aren't you suit up but Connor did....wait what's going on here?" Tristan said, "I'm not for her" Brad and James is confused. Then, Cecilia came down she is wearing a long blue dress..looking very beautiful. Cecilia saw Connor. Cecilia approaches Connor. Connor give the flowers to Cecilia. They then locked arms. They face Brad, James and Tristan. James said, "what's going on here?" Brad said, "Cecilia with Connor? Not Tristan?" Cecilia replied, "yes..I'm with Connor. He is my True Love" Connor and Cecilia look at each other and smile. Connor said, "okay guys me and Cecilia will be out for our Valentine date" Cecilia said, "see ya guys" Tristan stand up and said, "guys wait..before you go out, I want to apologize to both of you Connor and Cecilia" Connor replied, "don't mention it Tristan..I've already forgiven you. I am sorry too" Tristan replied, "yeah okay I forgive you Connor....Cecilia..?" Cecilia replied, "I forgive you too Tristan" Brad stand up and said, " more fights?" Tristan and Connor said, "nope" simultaneously. James said, "great! So it's a happy ending"
all of them said, "yay!" simultaneously. They all then feel very happy and do high fives and big hugs. The End.

Thank you so much for reading the story guys! Hope you like the story! I will be continue writing a new story. So, stay tune! Thanks again.. :)


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