Part 17 - Tristan apologized to Connor

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Ethan showed the boys and Cecilia the 1st storey of the house. Starting from the kitchen, balcony, living room and then..Brad ask, "Ethan, what is this piano doing here?" Ethan replied, "oh Brad how silly are you? This piano you can use..anytime. Plus as you guys look to your right there's another room. A music room, full of recording system, musical instruments. You guys can hang out, records songs anytime you like" James said, "wow! I love this house very much!" Tristan said, "is the tour done?" Ethan replied, "yes Tristan, why?" Tristan said, "good, I'm gonna go to my room and sleep" as Tristan walk pass by Connor, Tristan glared at Connor. Tristan then head upstairs to his room. Daniel said, "okay guys, ignore Tristan let he calm down. As for you guys..go and rest..for tonight's dinner..we oder pizza!" Cecilia said, "your treat?" Daniel replied, "yes treat" Brad, James, Connor and Cecilia head upstairs..unpack their It's 8pm. Pizza is ready and Ethan is still there to join for dinner. Daniel shouted from the kitchen, "guys! Pizza's here!" the boys and Cecilia head downstairs. Eat pizza. During dinner time, Tristan didn't say a word. After dinner, Tristan said, "hey Connor..I'm sorry, for all the things I do to you" Connor replied, "it's okay Tristan..I forgive you. I am sorry too" Tristan replied, "I'll forgive you Connor" Tristan and Connor shake hands. Daniel, Ethan, Brad, James and Cecilia was smiling looking at Tristan and Connor is back to being friends again and didn't fight anymore. Before going to bed, Brad, James, Connor and Cecilia decided to sit and chat at the balcony. While Ethan went home so do Daniel. Before Ethan went home, he said that the tour starts next week. Ethan also said that the boys and Cecilia have to practice before performing on tour this coming Sunday. While the boys and Cecilia chit chatting around. Brad ask Cecilia, "so Cecilia..Tristan and Connor is fighting because of can I know, who do you like? Tristan or Connor? By the way, whoever Cecilia Tris and Connor do not fight again" Tristan and Connor said, "yes Brad" simultaneously. James said, "so Cecilia, what's your answer?" Cecilia said, "umm..."

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