Chapter 7

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Cams POV
The girls dragged us to their work to watch their first photo shoot.
Abigail's POV
The guys don't know they are here to be jelly me and the girls have a naked photoshoot with some guys. They are going to die! This will be halarious! This will go down for real. Okay so me and all of the rest of us got here?
So we start to strip. And the guys ask what we're doing I said you didn't know this was a naked photo shoot?
The girls giggled. They looked at each other with a drestressed look. Then we got in our sheets and on the mattress. And then the boys came out in their sheets and our boyfriends said nope go back in we will do the stupid photoshoot! The photographer was French so he didn't understand but he took the pictures anyway. They were great! And so I sent them to the agency we worked at! And soon enough my all my friends by boyfriend and his best Friedan were all modeling In Paris in all we made 5 million dollars doing the photoshoots and finally after all of us had a long conversation we decided to move somewhere new momroeville, Alabama a new place a new beginning a new life we will all enroll in Monroe Academy it has an amazing academic career and it's Christian school. And I'm so ready I know we just got here but we board our flight tomorrow.
Thanks for 23 reads and 1 week go read addilee03's book to understand mine better.

Babysitting Skylynn FloydWhere stories live. Discover now