Chapter Four - Beginnings

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Hey guys wow I'm writing this whilst Levi is crawling round my screen and distracting me. Has anyone else watched the live action? I watched it the other night and was thoroughly disappointed. THE SCARF? Levi was completely and randomly replaced?!

Let me know what you thought in the comments ^^

I also apologize for not updating in forever but I'll probably be sticking to an update every Friday now as school begins next Wednesday for me (; ̄Д  ̄)

I don't own Attack On Titan / Shingeki no Kyojin and thanks for reading so far!

Oh yeah I should mention that this chapter and maybe the chapters onwards will contain swearing/inappropriate-for-children words/scenes. It is also very long whoops..


In the next year, 250,000 people were sent to reclaim Wall Maria by the Central Government, to no avail. Only about a hundred of the refugees pushed into the fruitless battle survived and made it back home. The food shortages however seemed to lighten and the measly portions that were once distributed increased ever so slightly. Though, the quality never seemed to do the same, much to my disappointment.

My friendship with Jean increased. He watched out for me as I came and went from his warm home. By night, I preferred to rough it on the streets most nights but sometimes I would accept Jeans offer to take refuge in the comfort of his bed.

By day, he and I would train each other, in our efforts to become the best and gain a place in the safety of Wall Sina. Jean was thorough in his coaching and I often woke up the next morning sore and bruised. Once or twice I ended up bleeding, in this case Jean would always hurriedly apologize and attempt to stop the flow of thick, crimson liquid.

'Next year... I'll be ready.

I have to be.'


(Wherever the training takes place, Wall Rose)

"What do they call you, maggot?!" The booming voice of Keith Shadis broke the silence as he screamed at a cadet with blonde hair.

I stood beside Jean as we watched the tall man in front of us break new trainees, cussing and wearing them down. He continued to walk through the rows, stopping every so often. He passed by me before coming to a halt in front of Jean.

"What do we have over here?" His intimidating voice spat beside me.

"Jean Kirschtein, from the Trost District, sir!" Jean called back as he saluted the drill sergeant.

"And why are you here, cadet?" Keith shouted again. This seemed to startle Jean slightly, though he only showed it for a split second.

"To join the Military Police, sir." Jeans voice had weakened.

"You want to live in the interior then do you?" Keith replied, for once not roaring out an insult. Jean visibly brightened to this.

"Yes, sir!" He replied whilst smiling. Then, much to my horror, Keith leaned in and harshly head butted Jean.

I gasped quietly as he fell, causing Keith to turn and look at me. He stared at me for a while and the way his eyes glared menacingly, I thought it was the end. Luckily he turned to Jean again.

"If you can't handle that, then forget about joining the Military Police, Kirschtein!" He spat to Jean who was clutching his head on the floor. He turned and walked off to harass a black haired boy with freckles.

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