Chapter Two - The Net

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Hey guys Mana-chan again! I hope you like it so far? Personally I feel like author trash but oh well..
I want to talk to you guys about what you think of my story. Leave a comment, vote and follow me please!

(Inside The Trost District, Wall Rose)

The boat docked and I raced off it, only to be grabbed by a member of the Garrison with a stern gaze who herded me back to the other refugees. We were moved into a large square, where food was being shared out.

I ignored the stale bread being offered to me and began sweeping my gaze through the crowd, hoping to see my brother and sister standing somewhere. I caught no sight of our shared blonde hair or my brothers tall head breaking the crowd.

Turning back to the stalls of food, I queued and waited for my portion. Though the roll was hard and unappetising, my stomach grumbled and groaned. I began stuffing the bread into my mouth at a rapid rate, hoping to finish quickly and begin looking for my lost siblings.

When I finished, the bread had filled me up despite how it tasted and looked. My eyelids started to feel heavy as I walked through the cobbled streets and peering round corners for my family became a struggle. Soon I was unable to continue and I found a quiet corner in a street, so I curled up tightly and gave in to the darkness that soon washed over me.

The next morning, I awoke from my slumber and opened my eyes slightly to see another pair of eyes looking at me, angrily. I quickly re-closed my eyes and pretended to be asleep.

"-boy. Throw her out of here now!" I heard a woman's voice speak first.

"Are you stupid? She isn't awake right now." This time a boy spoke up. He sounded young.

"Then wake her up and get her out of here." The woman's voice sounded again in my ear. Footsteps moved someone closer to me and I peaked open my eyes to see a pair of light brown eyes staring back.

"AH" I almost let out a scream before I covered my mouth with a hand. I opened my eyes fully to stare back at the face, inching closer to mine. It was the boy I'd heard earlier, whose long face greeted me. He reached his hand towards the one covering my mouth and pulled it, dragging me upwards to my feet. I looked behind him, and noticed the woman was gone.

I quickly realized we were still holding hands and quickly stepped back, pushing him away.

"Sorry!" I squeaked, looking back up at his face.

The boy wore a white button up shirt that was creased and slightly stained from grass on the sleeves underneath a dark brown vest and dark brown pants covered his legs. He had short, light brown hair with an undercut that made his features look even longer.

'Like a horse...' I thought, suddenly.

Realizing what I was thinking, I quickly caught the laughter that threatened to escape in my throat. He noticed my contorted face and his quickly turned to that of concern. I suddenly felt my body hunch over in the attempt to conceal my amusement. I heard footsteps as he moved over to my doubled over figure that was pressed against the wall.

"What's wrong with you?" His voice spoke, sounding cold. I looked up, coughing and trying to pretend that I was not about to burst.

"N..Nothing!" I choked out. His face relaxed then quickly returned to a scowl, which was unfortunately directed towards me. He towered over my small 5 foot body, standing at 5'7.

"Whatever. Anyway what are you doing sitting outside our house?" His question suddenly alerted me to my surroundings. I looked round and discovered the wall I was leaning on was part of a house. This house obviously belonging to the woman and the boy who I presumed to be her son. It was a faded white, bricked building of around two stories. It was lots bigger than the small, wooden house my siblings and I shared back in Shiganshina.

My siblings.

Suddenly I gasped, my eyes widening as I remembered exactly why I was here alone. I thrust myself foward, grabbing onto the boys shirt. Tears threatened to spill from my eyes as I looked into his brown ones.

"Help me please! I lost my brother and sister in Shiganshina! I have to find them quickly before they get eaten!" I cried to him, my voice filled with distress and desperation. His eyes widened before closing completely. He prised my hands from his shirt and held it, sighing.

"Listen, if they're in Shiganshina... They're probably already dead." His eyes opened as his spoke, meeting mine. He looked at me with pity as I slowly comprehended his words.

"No.. Not Samuel.. Not Lily! Please! They're still alive I know it! I.. I know it..." My voice grew weaker as I sunk to my knees, still holding the boys hand.

"They have to be.." I sobbed.


Wow okay I feel bad. You've probably all guessed who the boy is by now but you have to wait until the next chapter before it's confirmed! Also I have no clue if his house is like that but most of the houses in Trost are so I'm just guessing. When I looked up his house all I got was a correction for 'horse' so..

Anyway I want you guys to enjoy this story as much as I am enjoying writing it! Please leave a comment down below what you think, vote and follow me if you aren't already. I'll see you in the next chapter!

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